The Millennium of the TRUTH


[6] Sinister

Divine revelation16roses!


Systematic desintegration

Quran-damaged society





Mental degeneration

Feeding up the beast

The whore of babylon



Critic of islam vx racism


Political correctness


Iran revelation key

Butterfly of truth!


Nazism vx Stalinism

Believe vx Recognition

Manipulation VX Persuasion


Sociopathic society

Legalized autodestruction

The Dschihad SYSTEM

The 'good' Christian

Mankind's enemies


Who Has Ears

Gr.ZERO: Avoid the firebrand!

DNA-damaged society

Apple falls NOT far

Crossing the red lines

WHY Prague


Europe-fight or go under
















KP Chinas setzt WHO-Untersuchungsteam unter Druck
[..] Vor seiner Abreise aus China im Februar erklärte der Leiter des Teams, Ben Embarek, gegenüber Reportern, dass ein Laborleck „extrem unwahrscheinlich“ sei. Am 12. August sagte Embarek, auf die Frage eines dänischen Fernsehsenders, ob diese Aussage eine chinesische Vorgabe war:
„Das war, was wir letztendlich entschieden haben, zu machen, ja.“ [..]



China's CP puts pressure on WHO investigation team
[..] Before leaving China in February, the team's leader, Ben Embarek, told reporters that a laboratory leak was "extremely unlikely." On Aug. 12, Embarek, when asked by a Danish television station whether that statement was a Chinese stipulation, said:
"That was what we ultimately decided to do, yes." [..]



Chinese Official Sets 1.1 Billion Vaccination Target By October To "Win People's War"



629|69    1   35

604 px



66  67     15





Chinese communist party: "the United States is launching biological warfare, ferocious and barbaric attacks against China"





12|38|24     37    34






(translated) Tennis player Peng Shuai disappeared - scandals around ex-vice premier of the CP of China.  [..] Zhang Gaoli, the former vice premier of the State Council of the Communist Party of China (CPC), was recently accused of sexually assaulting Peng Shuai. Peng has not been seen since. [..]


"Missing" Chinese Tennis Star Emerges At Beijing Tournament


Fake email

17|69    2|99

So, happy Beijing Olympics * to

all the Nations and high international bodies

on this world.


Athletes as Tools of the State(*):

China's "Morally Bankrupt" Olympics

For them everything is just a tool for their

power games. It's the monster fed by the

weakness. The whole world currently

heading in this direction.

UN Chief Accepts Invitation to Beijing Winter Olympics Despite Diplomatic Boycotts

[..] Die Ehefrau des Ex-Interpol-Chefs aus China erhebt nun ihre Stimme gegen Peking. Vor drei Jahren wurde ihr Mann Hongwei Meng in China verhaftet. Sie lebt zurzeit als politischer Flüchtling mit ihren zwei Kindern in Frankreich. Früher besaß Grace Meng die Privilegien, die man als Ehefrau eines hochrangigen KP-Funktionärs hat. Jetzt ist sie ein politischer Flüchtling und lebt mit ihren Zwillingsjungen in Frankreich. Sie bezeichnet die chinesischen Behörden als Monster. [..] In ihrem Exklusivinterview mit der „Associated Press“ verriet Meng, dass sie und ihre Kinder jetzt rund um die Uhr unter Polizeischutz stehen. Grund dafür sei ihr zufolge ein Versuch chinesischer Agenten, sie zu entführen. [..]  Seit ihrer letzten Nachricht im September 2018 hat Meng keinen Kontakt mehr zu ihrem Mann gehabt. Mehrere Briefe, die ihre Anwälte an die chinesischen Behörden geschickt haben, blieben unbeantwortet. Sie ist sich nicht einmal sicher, ob ihr Mann noch lebt. Chinas Behörden behaupteten öffentlich, Hongwei Meng habe seine Macht missbraucht, um den „extravaganten Lebensstil“ seiner Familie zu finanzieren. Er habe seiner Frau erlaubt, seine Position zu ihrem persönlichen Vorteil auszunutzen. [..] Grace Meng zufolge sei ihr Mann verhaftet worden, weil er seine Stellung genutzt habe, um auf Veränderungen im System hinzuwirken. [..]




Uganda, the latest African country to fall into Chinas debt trap, loses its only international airport to China.

There are both responsible for this mess: CPC and Uganda typically leftist government. The same with the other trapped African countries. The same with all the deeply indebted countries on this world.







At the left: The president of the IOC Thomas Bach with Zhang Gaoli.↑

One hand washes the other.

The question is: How can good people let themselves being led by dirty people ?






Why does the West go along with this.

You know the answer.





China starts demolishing Tibetan structures

World Anti-Doping Agency Warns Athletes Over Contaminated Chinese Meat Ahead Of Beijing 2022


Olympic Athletes Advised Not To Bring Phones To Beijing Over Spying Concerns

China Warns Olympic Athletes Over "Any Speech" Contrary To Chinese Laws
[..] "A member of China's Olympics organizing committee warned that foreign athletes may face punishment for speech that violates Chinese law at the 2022 Winter Games, spotlighting concerns about the country's restrictions on political expression," The Washington Post writes Wednesday. [..]

Gravitas: How Xi Jinping forced 10,000 "fugitives" to return to China

China Builds 27 Empty New York Cities
[..] The actual debt level could be three and a half times higher than suggested by official figures. The National Development and Reform Commission says Chinese debt amounts to 260 percent of GDP ($36.4 trillion). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) accepts a lower official estimate of 230 percent. But suppose Balding’s report of 833 percent is correct. In that case, this is a matter of capital importance to the world economy and your investments. [..] Remember, interest rates in China are not as minuscule as those in the United States or negative as those in Europe and Japan. Assume the average interest rate paid equals the short-term interbank deposit rate of 3.5 percent. Balding observes, “this would imply financial services costs to the economy of 29% nominal GDP.” A large nut to crack. Even Chinese growth rates would not come close to covering annual carrying costs of 29 percent. [..] This underscores the suspicion that the actual level of debt has been low-balled. In Balding’s words, it also means that “official on balance sheet financial figures are wildly wrong with disastrous consequences.” He warns, “This implies that we need to rethink the entire story of Chinese development and finance since probably about 2000.” [..]

I see the socialist once more have built their heaven on earth. And the whole world is running after them.

Chinese Scientists From Wuhan Discover "Potentially Deadly" New Strain Of Coronavirus
[..] A team of Chinese scientists from Wuhan have discovered a new strain of coronavirus that they fear could make the jump from animals to humans.[..]

In the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou, a beauty fair turned into a nightmare due to an alleged positive Corona case. This is what videos on social media show.
According to the report, about 50,000 people were reportedly stuck at the Guangzhou fairgrounds last Friday.  The event was immediately sealed off along with everyone in attendance after a positive Covid case was detected.
Organizers posted a notice warning:
"No exit, no entry".
Everyone was asked to take precautions and keep their distance.However, video footage from the event shows that this was hardly possible because of the large crowd. In the videos, people can be seen screaming and running for the exits after realizing what was going on.
The crowd could be heard shouting, "Release us, release us."
The next day, Guangzhou authorities announced that about 50,000 fairgoers at the fair had been tested. And that ALL the results were NEGATIVE.



   127    2|666     2|43




13.04.22 (translated)
In the largest open-air prison in the world - extermination strategies of the Chinese Communist Party
[..] It is the stories of survivors that provide both nightmarish and terrifying insight into a horror so unimaginable in the Western world. Since 2014, Beijing has covered China's northwestern region with a network of state-of-the-art concentration camps while establishing a surveillance state that is unique in the world.
In the book, the reader learns all the details about the Chinese regime's cruel and inhumane methods of wiping out the existence of ethnic and religious minorities in the country. In twelve chapters, several survivors whom Cavelius interviewed have their say. They appear as witnesses to various aspects of the genocide that took place there: forced sterilization and birth control, child camps and forced labor, torture, organ theft, rape, and murder, to name the most important. [..]

Welcome to the socialist paradise again.




[..] Footage has emerged of Chinese officials dumping bags of fresh vegetables which had been donated to Shanghai amid the city experiencing food shortages due to COVID-19 lockdowns.
Shanghai, which is home to roughly 26 million people, has been under strict lockdown conditions for three weeks. [..]



Shanghai reports zero covid cases outside quarantined areas
What zero covid exactly means in China.




This is probably the oldest trick ever.




Leak of Xinjiang Police Files Provides ‘Absolutely Shocking’ Evidence of Mass Persecution: Former US Ambassador
[..] A report released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, presenting leaked documents from the files of the Xinjiang police, offers “absolutely shocking” evidence of the chronic abuse and brutality inflicted on the Uyghur population in China’s far west region, according to Andrew Bremberg, the foundation’s president and a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. [..]

Xinjiang-Leak enthüllt „Erschießungsbefehl“ bei Fluchtversuch




Very urgent, good advice



[..] Mosher beschrieb, wie ein junger Gefangener mit gefesselten Händen und Füßen in den Raum gebracht wurde. Der zuständige Militärarzt schnitt den jungen, noch lebenden Mann schnell von der Brust bis zum Bauchnabel auf, um seine beiden Nieren freizulegen. Der Militärarzt befahl dann dem angehenden Arzt George, er solle „die Venen und Arterien durchtrennen“. Als dieser der Anweisung folgte, spritzte das Blut überall hin. Die Nieren wurden entfernt und in einen Behälter für den Transport gelegt.
„Dann befahl der Arzt George, die Augäpfel des Mannes zu entfernen. Als er das hörte, schaute der sterbende Gefangene ihn an und George erstarrte: ‚Ich kann das nicht tun‘, sagte er zu dem Arzt, der dann schnell selbst die Augäpfel des Mannes herausholte“, so Mosher weiter.
George kündigte kurz darauf seine Tätigkeit im Krankenhaus und floh später aus Angst, dass er selbst das nächste Opfer des Organraubs sein könnte. Er wanderte nach Kanada aus und nahm eine neue Identität an.
Laut Mosher seien Berichte aus erster Hand von Ärzten wie der von George „verständlicherweise selten“. Den „Transplantationstouristen“, die nach China kommen, wird natürlich nichts über die „Spender“ ihres neuen Herzens, ihrer neuen Leber oder Niere erzählt. Und diejenigen, die für ihre Organe hingerichtet werden, würden ohnehin nichts mehr erzählen. [..]


Xi Jinping: "Covid19 reminds us that humankind should launch green revolution". (*)


No comment







China überwacht seine Bürger noch lückenloser als bereits bekannt
[..] Das größte Datenleck in der Geschichte der Menschheit zeigt die umfassende Überwachung des chinesischen Staats. Die lückenlose Aufzeichnung privater Vorgänge ist bereits Realität. Auch gezielte Überwachung einzelner Bürger ist so möglich. [..]

"Do not play with fire". Xi threatens America before Nancy Pelosis plan to visit Taiwan.

Taiwan has to be free and demilitarized. China too. The rest of the world too.


[..] “In China, I was no different from a worm trampled upon by the authoritarian power, not daring to stir a bit,” Chen told The Epoch Times. “Only when I came to America did I begin to feel like a person, because finally there’s no fear from the communist party.” [..]
Watch: Shoppers At Shanghai Ikea Flee Sudden COVID Lockdown
[..] Those who were trapped in the store had to first linger there for four hours -- from 8pm til midnight -- before being transported to quarantine hotels, reports Bloomberg. Then they faced quarantine for two days followed by five days of monitoring. [..]

26.08.22 (translated)

Gao Zhisheng, the human rights lawyer (also known as China's conscience) persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party, has been missing for five years. To help him, who has helped countless others, his wife and family leave no stone unturned.

Gao Zhishend in China is what the critical minds in the West are: a dangerous conspiracy theorist










01.10 22

Beijing Arrested 1.43 Million People in a 100-Day Security Campaign




Chinese Police Reportedly Lock Down Tourists in Airport With Machine Guns Amid Snap Shut in Yunnan Province



Alles was es zu China (nicht erst seit) heute zu sagen gibt.

Taiwan: Warm anziehen. Nich nur Taiwan. Everyone.






'Xi Jinping, step down!': anti-lockdown protests spread across China


In China, we have to pay government officials money, otherwise, we will be starving.”

That is how the heaven of equality looks like in reality. It was always like this and will always be like this. Beside of that, just in case you didn't realize yet, China is already everywhere, and watch the Western medias hilarious hypocrisy when you compare their pro-protester-reporting when the protests against the covid politics happen in China versus their radical anti-protester-reporting when the exact same protests happen in the West  (resp.update 05.12.22).What is the difference between China and the West in this (resp.update 02.12.22) or shall we take this new approach as their turn around. We will see.

China Protests Lockdowns | Protest Intensifies In China Over Zero Covid Policy | China News  | Update

30.11.22 (translated)

Fangcang-Hospitals: Hospital or concentration camp ? China builds nationwide isolation shelters for the symptomless


02.11.22 (translated)
With Corona App: Chinese Police Track Down First Protesters.
"We all desperately delete our chat history"





In Its Race for Global Power, CCP Has Numerical Score for Every Nation It Wants to Overtake: Analyst
[..] As part of its strategy of entropic warfare, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) ranks countries according to an empirical value or score that it calls the comprehensive national power numerical value. The CCP then empirically measures what it would need to overtake them, with an aim to be number one in the world, according to Cleo Pascal, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. “The overt, stated goal of China is to be number one in the world in terms of comprehensive national power … In a relative sense, if you’ve knocked [other countries] down, you’re doing better than they are,” Paskal said during an interview on “American Thought Leaders,” an EpochTV program.
In Its Race for Global Power, CCP Has Numerical Score for Every Nation It Wants to Overtake: AnalystCleo Paskal: Inside CCP Entropic Warfare, From Shipping Fentanyl to Bribing Elites to Fueling Civil Wars.
Understanding China’s concept of “comprehensive national power” (CNP), which was adopted in the 1990s, is key to understanding China’s foreign policy strategy, Pascal said in her congressional testimony (pdf) before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia, the Pacific, Central Asia, and Nonproliferation last. [..]

“A state of entropy is when things start to fall apart or fragment and become chaotic. If you look at how the Chinese Communist Party conducts its political warfare and targets countries, part of it is entropic warfare—to get there, it helps us to understand the goal of the Chinese Communist Party’s foreign policy.  [..]



Pneumonia rampant in China.
‘80 Percent of Patients Have Differing Degrees of Pneumonia’: Chinese Doctor

Obituary goes viral: deceased CP official had almost every organ replaced
false gods


90% of people in China's Henan province infected with the Wuhan Virus, official says



A Country With a Most Peculiar COVID-19 Death Rate

China’s New DNA-Based Bioweapons Target Specific Ethnic Groups, Races

Jobs Denied, Personal Property Seized: Chinese Regime’s Way of Eradicating Faith


China Steps Up Use of ‘Exit Bans’ Against Chinese and Foreigners: Report
[..] One indicator is the surge of the phrase “exit ban” mentioned in cases on the Supreme People’s Court’s official database, which rose eightfold between 2016 to 2020. [..] “Anyone may be a target—human rights defenders, businesspeople, officials and foreigners,” reads the report titled “Trapped—China’s Expanding Use of Exit Bans.” [..]

Yet, those who do exit, are still under control through illegal overseas Chinese police stations all over the Western hemisphere.



Beijing Human Rights Lawyers Experience Repeated Eviction


Beijing Ramps Up Repression of Faith, Labeling Believers Carriers of ‘Thought Viruses’

Roboterarmeen und KI-Befehlsstruktur: China geht rasant voran mit tödlicher Forschung
[..] „Wer über diese Art von Technologie verfügt, kann selbst der schwächsten oder durchschnittlichen konventionellen Militärmacht zu einem Vorsprung auf dem Schlachtfeld verhelfen.“ Das sagt Sam Kessler, Analyst und geopolitischer Berater aus den USA. Peking ist dabei, nach dieser Technik zu forschen. [..]

Ohne moralische Führung wird der Mißbrauch der Technik der Menschheit die Hölle bereiten.




CCP putting China's peasants under totalitarian control of special rural planned economy administrations with their own rural planned economy police.



Skype Calls to China Cannot Connect as CCP Tightens Control
Comedian Arrested In Beijing As Informants Become Norm Again In China, Eroding Mutual Trust

China Passing Laws, Building Infrastructure for Wartime, Expert Says







China communists rewriting the Bible.



"resembling seeds about to sprout"

2|65   668   468   12





China Aims To Catalog The Genes Of 1.4 Billion People Every Five Years

1,4 billion cattle

29.08.23 *





China 6,1 earthquake


9|2|5|2   18







China   -   China

 (note the prefix)








A pompous library that fears the free speech like devil the truth. What embarrasses me the most is the total uncritical comments on youtube in front of a radical communist regime that squeezes their citizen like lemons. What does this frippery around a propaganda library help the enslaved average Chinese people. This combination is the classical socialist perversion of a conception of a Nation. A few have it all while the 99,99percent live as slaves under totalitarian control with very little or no human rights. These pompous structures are built on detriment of the enslaved average people. The degree of imbalance is just embarrassing.




Chinese Family That Flees China Says the CCP Turned China Into ‘Hell’
Communism or any sort of systemism as it lives and breathes.
The killing of freedom = death of civilization.

Ask those who have already had their experience within the UDSSR and elsewhere.


The End of Hong Kong.

Grabbed by the communists, Hong Kong has become just another province of China.



Taiwanese Expert Pioneers AI Defense Technology to Thwart CCP’s Attempts to Manipulate Taiwan Elections
Castle VX manipulators




Systemic manipulation and trickery striking back


















CCP Arrests More Than 1,000 Tibetans After Protests Against Dam Construction Project


China's Death Vans


New Rule Allows Chinese Authorities to Check People’s Devices















DeXter [9]

Essence of religion

The 69-fISH


Mankinds future

Temporary autonomy


How to save civilization





Collective responsibility


Free market & politics

Mental growth

Journey of rejuvenation

The key for revolution

Avoid the worst case

Geist Kraft Stoff

Messages fr.middle reign

!Butterfly of truth

Heaven's QUALITY message


Human Capital VX Corruption


Show must go on


Actual things of life

Hiltrud Schröter

Natural law +11+144

Believe vx Recognition

Save the Children!

The Flagship

Time for making choice

One picture all story

The TEAMS coming!

   A great FAMILY

RAINBOW Warriors


Love is CHANGE

Who Has Ears

WHY Prague

Herr Bundespräsident!

Building new CIVILization


That's us





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