The Millennium of the TRUTH


[6] Sinister


Principles of disbalance

Exposing anti-forces

Tell children truth



Civilization VX Sharia




Women in Islam


Freedom of Religion




The bloody Führer

The moongod Allah

Allah loves mutilated vagina

The islamic headquarters

'freedom' for head scarf


Climate change

The West is guilty













[..] Hätte man gar den ganzen Nachsteuergewinn von Mercedes an die Beschäftigten ausgezahlt, hätte jede und jeder Beschäftigte 102 Prozent mehr Lohn und Gehalt haben können – eine glatte Lohnverdoppelung.

Das ist natürlich unrealistisch, denn man sollte als vorausschauendes Unternehmen einen guten Teil der Gewinne als Eigenkapital einbehalten. Das hat Mercedes in der Vergangenheit auch gemacht. In der Regel wurden in den letzten sechs Jahren etwa 40 Prozent des Nettogewinns als Dividende ausgeschüttet.

Hätte man diese 40 Prozent 2022 an die Beschäftigten von Mercedes ausgeschüttet, wären das ungefähr 9,4 Milliarden Euro gewesen. Das entspräche einer Lohn- und Gehaltserhöhung von 40 Prozent. Jede Mitarbeiterin und jeder Mitarbeiter hätte also 2022 eine Lohnerhöhung von 40 Prozent oder eine Einmalzahlung in Höhe von 40 Prozent des Jahreslohnes bekommen können, wenn man die Dividenden an diejenigen ausgezahlt hätte, die die Wertschöpfung erarbeiten statt an diejenigen, die leistungslos zusehen, wie die anderen arbeiten. [..]





Woke in 6 = trance





"Western Democracy" or tyranny of narratives ?

There is no such thing as democracy without independent media.

Narratives are being pushed by the system media and protected via censorship on social media. There is no space for the truth in the main media. There is no space in the main media for what is really going on out there.  The so called "western democracy" has therefore become a masquerade.

And no, it wasn't always this way. It was never perfect, but it wasn´t ever this bad as today.



Kommunistische Wissenschaftlerin aus London erhält Spitzenposten bei WHO
[..] „Stalins Nanny“ wird Leiterin einer Beratungsgruppe der WHO. Die Aufgabe der britischen Wissenschaftlerin Susan Michie wird es sein, die WHO in Sachen Verhaltensforschung zu beraten. Sie war bekannt für ihre Aussage: Gesichtsmasken könnten für immer da sein – und das sei gut so. [..]

MASKS "FOREVER" (translated)
Communist scientist from London gets top post at WHO.
[..] "Stalin's nanny" becomes head of a WHO advisory group. The job of British scientist Susan Michie will be to advise WHO on behavioral research. She was known for her statement: face masks could be around forever - and that was a good thing. [..]


"Fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the pathway of the future. But all there will ever be is what's happening here and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear. So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality.  [..] So we never dare to ask the Universe for it."  Jim Carrey


Starting from of August in English language:
Ganjing World, social network "without violence, censorship and pornography".

‘Chemical Imbalance’ Theory of Depression Hugely Profitable—and It’s Not Even True
[..] Ignoring other causes of depression has left millions of Americans without truly effective treatment.
“Lexapro appears to relieve the symptoms of depression and anxiety by increasing serotonin,” says an ad on the Bonkers Institute, a website that archives drug ads and also satirizes pharma claims and shaky science. “Zoloft works to correct a chemical imbalance in the brain which may be related to symptoms of depression,” another ad says. “Paxil CR blocks serotonin from being reabsorbed back into the sending nerve cell. This process increases the availability of serotonin to the receiving nerve cell and may help message [depression] transmission return to normal,” a third ad says.
As many Epoch Times readers may have heard, the serotonin “chemical imbalance” theory of depression was recently put to rest by a group of University College London (UCL) scientists in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. After reviewing decades of research, there’s no evidence that serotonin levels or serotonin activity are responsible for depression, they wrote. In other words, the theory that was the basis for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants and their tremendously profitable franchise was false. While the theory has been questioned by scientists for decades, the Molecular Psychiatry research seems to be the final nail in the coffin for the theory—a technical knockout. [..]

It’s hard to overestimate the medical, financial, and sociological consequences of the chemical imbalance theory, which propelled the 1987 FDA approval of the SSRI antidepressant Prozac and which is still followed to this day. [..]

9 = natural 'antidepressant'.


Es gibt unterschiedliche Varianten von "Angriff".
Auch der Aufbau einer Bedrohung ist ein Angriff, auch wenn schwerer durchschaubar als die Reaktion darauf.
Für all diejenigen die es immer noch nicht begriffen haben: Der sogenannte "russische Angriffskrieg" hat lange vor dem Einmarsch in die Ukraine begonnen. Er war Teil der Natostrategie.

Natürlich will das Ohr gar einiger Mitmenschen im Westen das nicht hören, denn wir sind ja wie immer die Guten und stehen immer auf der richtigen Seite, das ändert aber nichts an der Situation. Ich hab noch nie eine Kriegspartei gesehen die nicht dieser Überzeugung war. Woran kann das wohl liegen ? Denn es können niemals alle recht gehabt haben.

Thus, what they're aiming for or trying to do since from the beginning is not to defend Ukraine, but to weaken Russia. It is about the question which mafia is going to dominate the world tomorrow. The time presses because the hut burns.




Check out the price for car battery replacement

The average price for an electric vehicle is currently $66,000, up more than 13% in just the last year, costing an average of $18,000 more than the average combustible engine. [..] Oh, and by the way, guess who is laughing their keisters off as America heads into the Left’s EV future, knowing they control so much of the equipment, materials, and technology necessary for batteries, thus giving them a choke-hold on the U.S. economy?
Can you spell C-H-I-N-A?




Gender pronounces    

03.08.23 Update



Ich wiederhole: Das Zentralbanksystem ist ein sozialistisches System.

- Gelddruckerprinzip = Sozialismus bis hin zum Faschismus
- Reales Geld basierend auf realer materieller Werthaltigkeit = Kapitalismus

Dieses wird durch ehrliche Arbeit erworben.

Es gibt heute keinen Kapitalismus mehr auf dieser Welt. Der Sozialismus -diese Geldwirtschaft des Mr.Advantage- hat längst alles übernommen, inklusive den Kapitalismus um ihn von innen her auszuhöhlen, indem durch seine falsche Geldwirtschaft sich systembedingt immer mehr Reichtum und Macht in immer weniger Händen ansammelt, und andererseits durch den damit einhergehenden, zunehmenden Interventionismus immer mehr Abhängigkeit und damit auch Entmündigung und Bevormundung geschaffen wird, während sich das System immer weiter aufbläht und der Rechtsstaat verwässert wird.
Der Kapitalismus -solange nicht vom Sozialismus korrumpiert und demoliert- representiert die natürliche Form einer gesunden Geldwirtschaft weil im nicht-manipulierten Kapitalismus Geld nicht einfach unlimitiert gedruckt werden kann. D.h. dass Geld nicht durch legalisiertem Schwindel und Bevorteiligung sondern durch ehrliche Arbeit u. Leistung erworben werden muss. Die Finanzierung monströser Kriegsmaschinerien wird erschwert, wenn nicht unmöglich gemacht. Das soziale System wird einerseits von der Familie (= Sanctuary!) aufrecht erhalten, andererseits transparent durch Steuern finanziert.

18.09.22 [..] Staatliche Bürokratie kann den echten zwischenmenschlichen Austausch und echte solidarische Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch nicht ersetzen. Wenn Sie erkennen, dass jemand in Not ist, kommt ihre direkte Hilfe ohne Umwege an. Es gibt keine Institution dazwischen. In dem Moment, wo eine Behörde dazwischengeschaltet wird, gibt es zwei Probleme: Erstens muss ein Teil des Geldes ausgegeben werden, um diesen Mittler zu bezahlen. Zweitens geht der individuelle Bezug verloren. [..]

Es gibt nur Einen der die Welt befrieden und vereinen kann, alle anderen falschen Propheten, Retter und Befreier führen auf Irrwegen.


APROPOS Reichtum u. Macht






Mystery Clots Appear in 50–70 Percent of Deceased Since 2020, Says Funeral Director

Did you get this and all the other truth information from WHO,

or your trusted 'reliable' leftist government mouthpiece media ?

If not, then good luck with them. We will see what more is coming out

in this matter over the coming years.



not by 100% but mostly a matter of 'aspiration'





Putin 2018

(Well, it depends)




Knot (EZB) - Inflationsbekämpfung hat für Notenbank Vorrang vor Wachstum

Eine Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera. Sie haben sich für die Cholera entschieden.

Im ersteren Falle verarmt der Arbeiter, Angestellte und Rentner in wenigen Jahren, in zweiteren Falle gehen zuerst Kleinbetriebe u. Mittelstand Pleite mit entsprechend steigender Arbeitslosigkeit,  die andere Form der Armut.



Splitting a society: added 3,7 million mostly leftist, often radical leftist, voters in two years. This is how you corrupt a society from top to bottom.

Here * it is about a large (like Austria or Swiss population), resident (Russian) ethnic group (didn't they call this ethnic cleansing instead of "liberation" in other occasions?), there * it is about largely completely incompatible, unintegratable masses of people which no one knows who they really are (related update 20.09.22 | related update 20.09.22) and which will tear down a Nation and hollow out its social fabric. (→related update 15.09.22) ( 15.09.22 more)

In the first case the border is being deprived of any meaning,  in the second case by the same people the border is declared untouchable. They call this kind of acting 'modern.'

Shouldn't it be the natural opposite ?  Which they call 'retrograde'. So, who is not mafia is retrograde ?

In other words when it comes to the protection of natural national borders they (the globalists) accuse of 'blood and soil' mentality, though when it comes to the defence of unnatural borders then blood and soil is suddenly fine. Then it is even considered the better choice than to push a regime for a peaceful compromise before too late. As we can see, in the case of unnatural borders the soil has even to be defended with blood under every circumstance, including the risk of apocalyptic escalation.

How does a country like America, or European countries, reconcile their contrasting, yet each time wrong, behaviour in both the situations?

N.b.: At the end of the day they forbid Winnetou and Indian costumes because of 'unauthorized cultural appropriation'.

How far can socialist ideology and confusion go ?


WHO fixes the border. The people that have their roots in their land (especially when we are talking about suppressed minorities), or some political kaspers and systemic functionaries which are out for their Endsieg targets and their games of cancel culture world globalization equals socialist world domination. Means: China for everyone on this globe, including Americans.


Finally: What best do couples who can not find any way anymore to stay together ?

That is the one question, the other one is that one of the fiat money (with a sound monetary system instead of this communist blunder most of these bad social, political, military and financial games would be impossible) and debt based economy, and the respective countries militarization. A process which is going on worldwide and has reached a final stage which will get more and more explosive.


The most important question however, which lays at the root of all the others, is the man's spiritual direction and his willingness to accept the truth. Only then this world can get back on track, toward a new era.





scroll over

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Wer nicht in den Händen des Heiligen Geistes ist,

in wessen Händen ist er ?

18.09.22  *

Puck | Hockey


59|2 px



An Utterly Unexpected Risk Factor for Malignant Melanoma
[..] Separate from delay behavior, it was surprising for the physicians to find that there were positive correlations between several personality traits as part of a Type C personality—passive, appeasing, helpless, placing faith in external authority—and (tumor) lesion thickness. Individuals who had these traits tended to have thicker lesions than those who didn’t. [..]




is on the side of those who first eliminate real money in order to introduce fiat money, then have the parties (!) with unlimited welfare state, nanny state, indebtedness, then comes the hangover and then dependency, prohibitions, coercion (like mandatory vaccinations and lockdowns),  censorship, lies, traps, propaganda and ideological indoctrination, the invisible merger of state and big business (→the problem with too big to fail)), finally suppression and wars. You must understand that when a fiat monetary system nears its end its protagonists need an enemy to justify their radical measures in the ugly part of their vicious cycle. It will take war (Painting Zelensky & Co as the good guys and Putin & Co as the demons is so fundamentally ridiculous) to camouflage the real reason (=see first two lines) for the disaster. At that point it doesn't matter anymore whether left, right, centre (centre of what, centre of the lie?) or non centre, when you're in the shit it's all the same: shit.




Fiat money

is the money of the world of conquerors, manipulators, plunderer and dominators.

Digital money will add the totalitarian control and respective suppression to the bad soup.



The world shall be led by a Nation which is leading on a basis of human rights, free media, constitutionality etc,.. but mainly also on fairness (means through honest performance) with a real monetary system instead on a basis of hegemony through military power in connection with fiat money power in which the military power will then be (ab)used to support, secure and extend the fiat system (instead of your Nations borders) because that tandem must lead to an unhinged spiral of greed and false games, to a notion of all or nothing, because at the end of the game only one can be left over.
Under the conditions of fairness a careful step by step globalization will become thinkable and sustainable.


Or do we want to leave this world in ashes ?


The problem is with the big money. The fiat money gambler have become so powerful that they have it in their hands. When they pull the plug or move their 'treasures'  from one pool to another one, the whole megabubble could burst. Thus politicians have become clowns and mafiosi in these misters service. Here you see the problem with globalism.




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Forget Utopia

Stalin was utopist, Mao was utopist, Hitler was utopist.

Today again we have all over the Western hemisphere - and not only-

so many utopists. All of them financed their utopia with fiat money.

You know the outcome.




Let me be clear,
once the truth is on the table, it is up to mankind to open ears and eyes, in order to draw the consequences and follow the well designed path of truth. This concerns every single individual on this world, rich or poor, intelligent or simple mind. There is no one who can do the job for you.




is the path toward freedom and peace. A mankind of free

 individuals will no longer need false gods who send them to

war against each other and occasionally let glimps * through

their real nature * behind the mask.

2,2|6 MB (2|.374.|134 byte)

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Either you stonegrind yourself, or you be stonegrinded.

It's an eternal law. Blessed he who has ears and eyes.

You come to this world and you go from it, and come

back to it as another human, but nothing about you

will be forgotten.

And justice has been and will be for ever.

Follow the path, adopt the X to break through

the endless cycle.


A society gives away anchor and compass. That society goes lost.

When lost, there will be mathematical consequences, manipulation,

unfreedom, disenfranchisement, ideology, totalitarianism, chaos,

destruction, war, misery. That is the brutal way of stone grinding, or

the radical medicine if you so will. What applies to the society also

applies to mankind and to the individual.

19.10.22 *

"behind the mask"



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At Cherry computer shop



269   16.02




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X X 53

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18.10.22 (translated)

Putin loses pieces, Russia's largest island holds independence referendum

Are they being persecuted, bombarded  ?

What ethnicity are they ?

What language do they speak ?
I hope we are not on the merry-go-round.


J.Sachs "all of these decisions we are talking about it, the life and death decision of the planet are being made by a handful a handful of people, a handful of people. That's the real situation of the American political system. That is not the democracy that we talk about deliberation and congressional hearings etc.. ."



Remember: Fiat money printing and Central bank interventions  = MoneySOCIALISM which brings the Nations out of balance and at the same time it actively destroys the value of money. The value of your money as of everyones money, and not only.

Those twister who call this situation capitalism in order to sell you full socialism as the better solution or as the cure or as the medicine are just luring you from the existing half-way-socialist trap into the full blown big fat SOCIALIST TRAP.




Ein Volk in dem die Menschen für vermeintliche Sicherheit die Freiheit aufgeben ist nichts mehr wert.




Electic cars - new reality

- car much more expensive than diesel or benzin

- energy more expensive than diesel or benzin

- expensive battery replacement on top of it

- raw material scarsity

The hype comes, the hype goes.


The EU under presidency of the communist Czech Republic ( exceptions excluded ) knows it better.
European Union - Agreement reached: stop endothermics in 2035, but e-fuels will have a future
How long yet
Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, to protest the government of Petr Fiala and demand early elections and direct negotiations with Russia over gas supplies. [..]


[..] Car and energy experts, however, say there is no such thing as a zero-emissions vehicle: For now and the foreseeable future, the energy required to manufacture and power electric cars will leave a sizable carbon footprint. In some cases hybrids can be cleaner alternatives ..  [..]
The electric car’s biggest disadvantage on greenhouse gas emissions is the production of an EV battery, which requires energy-intensive mining and processing, and generates twice as much carbon emissions as the manufacture of an internal combustion engine. This means that the EV starts off with a bigger carbon footprint than a gasoline-powered car when it rolls off the assembly line and takes time to catch up to a gasoline-powered car. 
One of the big unknowns is whether EV batteries will have to be replaced. While the EV industry says battery technology is improving so that degradation is limited, if that assurance proves overly optimistic and auto warranties have to replace expensive battery packs, the new battery would create a second carbon footprint that the EV would have to work off over time, partially erasing the promised greenhouse-gas benefits. [..]

[..] As China s new energy vehicle production grows rapidly, with half of global production now coming from China, the huge amount of retired batteries could bring disastrous environmental problems and explosive pollution, says state-owned media Xinhua. [..]


Who the hell needs this EU



Was even one single individual ( like Angel Dzhambazki & Co) of this big yakking club  ever in Dombass to talk to the concerned people there whose own homeland has been transformed into a warzone since now 9 years and which just voted up to 99% to join motherland Russia in their hope to finally be on the safe side ? NO. So what are they talking about ?





Are we on the side of Freedom or on the side of Tyranny.

Today with Taiwan is to be defended THE FREEDOM against THE TYRANNY (just as with Hong Kong).

After 8 years of suppression, death, destruction, ethnic expulsion in Dombass &Co the Russians were welcomed there, in total contrast to China versus Taiwan. So if there is one of these scenarios to be defined as invasion it would be the second one.

But you know, our politicians are deep in the bed with the communists. (update)


N.b, Taiwan originally wasn't Chinese land. It became populated by Chinese people through Chinese imperialistic invasions and the following mass immigration. Much later, in 1945 the Chinese Republican government (or the government of the then Republic of China (ROC)), withdrew to Taiwan after losing China to the communists. The question of sovereignty remains disputed until today.

Those who say Taiwan has been Chinese, so it can be taken back by force should first reflect if they would argue the same way being a Taiwanese themselves. Do not skip this test.

Second they have to realize that there has grown a new reality there.

The underwritten is certainly the last one propagating separation, but when no other solution is left, and that is certainly the case in the current situation between China and Taiwan.  Now, when a couple separates for a certain time -for a number of years determined by law- this couple is de jure considered as separated. None of them can take the other back by force. Period.


People can have different opinion, but should realize that those who thought out these rules and laws in the past weren't stupid people at all and they knew why. Second thing: eternal revisionism means eternal wars. I don't think that to be a wise idea.


Anyway, at the end of the day the only warranty for REAL peace, freedom and prosperity is in




Wenn der Mensch eine Leistung erbring und dafür entlohnt werden will lässt er sich doch nicht mit einem Schuldschein abfertigen.
Aber genau das tut der heutige sogenannte "moderne" Mensch.
Wer garantiert dass dieser Schuldschein morgen noch einzulösen geht ? Jedem Schuldschein steht ein Schuldner gegenüber. Was wenn der Schuldner pleite geht ? Wenn der Schuldenberg bröckelt ? Nun sorgen Politik und Zentralbanken heute dafür dass keiner der Großen mehr pleite gehen kann; damit die Lawine nicht losgetreten jedoch das Schuldenloch immer tiefer wird, womit wir in der Planwirtschaft und im Sozialismus angekommen wären. Doch wie weit lässt sich dieses Spiel treiben; und was ist der reale Sozialismus anderes als die Fahrt in die Recht- und Besitzlosigkeit, und anderen Fehlentwicklungen.  | Update




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from Roen

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Nehmt euch in Acht vor dem Allgemeinwohl
sowie vor der vom übergriffigen System verordneten Solidarität und der Alternativlosigkeit, diesen heuchlerischen Werkzeugen der Entrechtung.


lgbtq, gendering, sex change

Isn't it strange that everything revolves around sex ?

Stop respective indoctrination (update 14.11.22 "they're molding the child to have certain attitudes". *) and ideological legislation which brings the youth|the world|the Nations out of balance, and that is the last thing you can want. But let them make their experiences. Some will fall, but most - especially the brighter one (those with the unvisible antenna)- will find out and come to the conclusion by themselves that this isn't the true thing, but the false one, that this shouldn't be the first thing, but rather the last one. Then they will switch over to the side of the truth.



G20-spectacle: "and make sure that no one is left behind"  | | | * |

18.11.22 (translated)
161,000 euros for a dinner: the incredible receipt from Salt Bae
[..] Those who know Salt Bae, the Abu Dhabi celebrity chef, may not have been too surprised by the receipt he posted on social media, and more specifically on his Instagram page. His restaurant "Nurs-et Steakhouse," strictly meat, is one of the most expensive and exclusive in the world. But the receipt he posted on social, of as much as 615 thousand dirha (the official currency of the United Arab Emirates), which is equivalent to more than 160 thousand euros, turned the noses of many users upturned. [..]

19.11.22 (translated)
SUMMIT ON BALI G20 to enforce digital vaccination certificate for international travel The G20 countries have agreed on a global digital health certificate - with standardized global vaccination certificate and digital..
Pants left down. They don't have better things to do than to take over personal stuff that belongs between a doctor and a patient even against all the total current failures. They talk a lot about diversity, but when it comes to critical opinions then the diversity shall be killed. This goes in the direction of human livestock farming. Some few of these leaders may be against but they don't have the courage to rise their voice. So, here we get 1st and 2nd class humans as we had it during Corona hype between the uncritical vaccine-religious individuals and the critical thinker or truther. These are wrong developments driven by fools. Let's quote: "no one left behind". You HYPOCRITES!

Here you can see that the so popular term "together" has limited value, with the wrong direction it can even be counterproductive, not to say dangerous. Globalization has brought the politics out of control 


Timothy Geithner and Caio Kai Koch-Weser,

would you finally stop to put these blunders on the table

and turn around.

Check out the writing on the wall behind, to find out who is owning you and your politicians. Schwab is 'just' a frontfigure. Behind him: "the big club": All the bigheads in business, intelligence services, tech and media and of course their polit-clowns in charge. They're literally stealing you the control over your Nations politics and constitutionality including your civil rights, and not only! They're plowing the way for a future world government, backed by either US or China as the leading Nation. Not for the good of any of them but for their own goals, for their own agenda. Total control and unlimited profits on all normal people their shoulders. Their most important  instruments: Fiat money system which will break the back of the middle class (while large companies can keep their heads above water through their reserves and their participation in the financial markets, if necessary by selling short, this is not possible for the middle class | Above all, however, the fiat central banks are more and more buying up the large company's their junk bonds on a massive scale in order to keep even the deaths among them 'alive' on the shoulders of everyone. Btw, the current generation of politicians pursues exactly this kind of politics. They plan to annihilate the middle class which is the class of freedom.), then supranational institutions who are siphoning the power out of the Nations via centralized fiat money system,  then the ESG, including the (so damn excessively popular hype of the) save the planet with 'clean energy' lie, international vaccine passport or digital health identity and digital money eventually with citizens central bank accounts, finally combined with social scores and all techniques and forms of totalitarian citizen control and regulation with literally zero little safe space left in your life and taxation down to every single cent - resp.update 01.12.22-. Sick stuff. All underway.

Please, go and find a honest job.



The Mask Is Off: WEF's Klaus Schwab Declares China A "Role Model"

"...we should be very careful in imposing systems. But the Chinese model (resp.update) is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries."  / Klaus Schwab

Update 29.11.22 The Chinese people seem to not agree that much

Die amerikanische Regierung weiss wie es aussieht und sieht sich vor. Nicht etwa gegen den big club, ganz im Gegenteil, sehr wohl aber auf Kosten anderer, die derweil schlafen.


WEF-Gründer Schwab will beste Köpfe für systemische Transformation der Welt gewinnen.  Was ist der Kopf ohne Herz ?

Die Verschmelzung von Unternehmen, Banken, Medien und Staat ist das was man unter Hitler und Mussolini Faschismus genannt hat.

[..] ..inside the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) industry, an emerging multitrillion-dollar power structure that unites governments with corporations in the march toward a brave new world of climate and social justice. See how it works, what its goals are, and who is driving it.
Will this new global alliance bring us a cleaner, more peaceful, more equitable future, or will it bring shortages, poverty, and political instability? Will this partnership of government with banking and tech giants deliver prosperity and freedom, or will it control our lives in ways that 20th-century totalitarians only dreamed of ? [..]

Reminder: the Castle. 


                    package sent to my address 'by mistake'



"Canadian government had a medical consulting agreement with Schwab/WEF although "Schwab isn't a medician or a nurse or else. So, why would politicians do that. Because the WEF is the one that got them elected in the first place."



New Zealand: Who ever has an opinion that differs from the government line
is being classified as an extremist.
  Replay. And what about the population ? Still voting left and behaving like the frog in the slowly boiling up water. That is going to be rather unconfortable in the outcome
for the people.




FROM                                               TO

                                                          nice for you and your children ?



15-minute city. Prepare for 'climate lockdowns': Rogue British council wants to strip you of freedoms
City administration will decide when and for how long residents can leave their 15-minute-naibourhoods, without getting fined.

It's the planet-saving miceland-city.

Freedom of movement is one of the basic if not the most basic constitutional right at all. Every animal, every insect, every bird is freer than you, and you want to be the crown of civilization ?




                                                         ‘Woke Corporations

[..] “Woke corporations are collectively adopting and imposing progressive policy goals that American consumers do not want or do not need. An individual company’s use of corporate resources for progressive aims might violate fiduciary duties or other laws, harming its viability and alienating consumers,” the lawmakers wrote.
“But when companies agree to work together to punish disfavored views or industries, or to otherwise advance environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, this coordinated behavior may violate the antitrust laws and harm American consumers.” [..]



Whitney Webb

"fourth industrial revolution: better to be exploited than to be irrelevant"
the irrelevant one would be the people of freedom in fairness, the constitutionalists (as minority), i/e those who refuse the totalitarianism-collectivism one for all times.




Klaus Schwab's "Offenheit und Transparenz"

@n.a.9241  kommentiert:
Das schlimme ist nicht, dass es Menschen wie Klaus Schwab gibt, sondern dass unsere Politiker an der Macht da alle mitmachen!
das allerschlimmste ist dass die Menschen (Ausnahmen ausgenommen) nicht aufhören wollen solche Politiker zu wählen und zu vergöttern.



Globalists gathering around WEF Chief Schwab (Quote from the WEF's own website, now removed:
"Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better. or Schwab's "can you imagine in 10 years when we are sitting here with an implant in our brain" or "so we penetrate the cabinets" and more) in Davos this time. Around 50 heads of state governments, Black Rock, Head of the FBI, Director of National Intelligence, Jeff Bezos-Amazon, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, officials from George Soros network, Pfizer CEO, New York Times publisher & Co media industry and deep state government..


16.01.23 Today we can say USA & Canada, but more and more also other Nations like the Netherlands, Australia.. are underway to become governed by the WEF means by the boldest business heads and monopolists ever. It will only be a question of time until this completely non-democratic structure becomes so powerful that your own government/s, will be reduced to a complete puppet show, a pure henchman show in the service of those people. And that is what they indeed mean with "sustainability", while you and everyone at the lower part of the wealth-pyramid shall be squeezed by them.


Die Krake von Davos – Wie das WEF die Weltordnung verändert | Miryam Muhm im Gespräch

Small is beautiful
Turn around !




Redacted over WEF, Davos, evil |

Wirtschaftswoche zu Von der Leyen- EU



[..] At the WEF the Swiss MP Bastien Girod painted a vision of the near future in which governments change the nature of how population is organized. the grand idea ? To focus people into tightly control cities designed around carbon controls and where cars are illegal for individuals to own. and, to establish penalties for businesses that do not conform to bureaucratic climate change policies. [..]



Dark Side Of Davos' Revealed As Global Elite Bookings For Sex Workers Soar [..] One escort named "Liana" told the German newspaper Bild that she dresses in business attire to blend into the crowd of elites while at the summit. She said her client is an American who attends the meeting. She charges 700 euros per hour and 2,300 euros for the whole night. [..]


Johnny Vedmore at Redacted:  Charles Schwab, head of WEF, apart from the fact that his father worked closely with and for the Nazis, "himself was involved in the merger of several companies into one merger company which he became second in charge of in order to illegally selling nuclear weapon technology to the South African apartheid regime, so they could make bombs which they made: 6 complete nuclear bombs." [..]
and all these false saints are running after him

apple falls not far from tree

19.01.23 *

"Giappone, un calamaro gigante filmato al largo della costa. Ecco il raro video"

2|3  5


20.01.23 Gerald Calente



20.01.23 D.Trump  vx WEF




The more you can see what comes out of globalization and the central banking, the more you should realize how fast everything gets out of your control and that by continuing on this road you must lose your rights and your possessions. Meanwhile they will give you some seemingly important tasks

in order to avoid you getting stupid critical thoughts.




Biden's climate envoy to WEF-Davos John Kerry says an 'extra terrestrial' force brought people to Davos to 'save the planet' in bizarre World Economic Forum speech.



23.01.23 WEF - homepage

Let's hope the world stays 'fragmented' free and multipolar until it decides to unite in the Truth and the Spirit of the Lord, rather than falsely unite in the lie and dictatorship of a moneyprinter and its monopolist profiteers with their political puppets.


17.11.22 Synthetic food
"Ritengo che il cibo sintetico rappresenti un mezzo pericoloso per distruggere ogni legame del cibo con la produzione agricola, con i diversi territori, cancellando ogni distinzione culturale, spesso millenaria, nell'alimentazione umana e proponendo un'unica dieta omologata, con gravissime ricadute sociali sui piccoli agricoltori" |  Ministro dell'Agricoltura Francesco Lollobrigida


20.11.22  |  in regard to: *

Hiding behind anything that comes along ?


Kissy Rieger über Heuchelei soweit das Auge reicht.


"..and they * * (68 | 66|68) * * said there are counsels over all of this, there are definitely rules and regulations that govern everything. And the counsels have the history books of all the planets and all the records.." | Dolores Cannon 


Pilot wird mitten im Flug von Aliens entführt & kehrt mit DIESER erschreckenden Nachricht zurück!
"..Nachdem ich das Gespräch zwichen meinem Kollegen Villagran und ZOX gehört habe, stimmte ich zu, ihn die Frequenz 123,45 zu überführen. Anschließend kamen eine Reihe von wilden Behauptungen, die sich gegen den Menschen richteten. Er ließ uns erkennen, dass wir nicht allein im Universum sind. Es gebe viele andere Zivilisationen, die uns physisch ähnlich, aber geistig weit überlegen sind. Er sagte dass wir einer globalen Katastrophe nahe seien. Wir seien die einzigen Wesen im Universum mit einem so dermaßen selbstzerstörerischen Geist. Die anderen Spezies seien hingegen sehr viel positiver und kreativer..."

Pilot is abducted by aliens mid-flight & returns with THIS terrifying message!
"..After listening to the conversation between my colleague Villagran and ZOX, I agreed to transfer him the frequency 123,45. After that came a series of wild allegations directed against man. He made us realize that we are not alone in the universe. There are many other civilizations that are physically similar to us, but spiritually far superior. He said that we are close to a global catastrophe. We are the only beings in the universe with such a self-destructive spirit. The other species, however, are much more positive and creative..."





Prepare for the fight and never miss the anchor and compass,

without which you're lost.


A clarification

The undersigned does not claim to possess the ultimate technical truths, as they do not possess our elites. But that is not the point. The point is to be critical, and to not swallow unquestioningly everything that is preached/mandated by questionable elites and false alarmists, because that would be the end.




The Green will fume over theses news.



19.12.22  Snails  |  73




"I just don't see statesman anywhere in the West today. I talk about statesman not politicians. Politicians are always on abundance, but statesman think more clearly. They ask the hard questions. They're not  simply there to propagandize specific purpose. Douglas Macgregor





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The danger of A.I. |  Elon Musk

They're crossing the lines




Do not navigate without compass, anchor and target.

Inclusivity makes sense only when they all meet to find out the truth. Life is all about the truth. There may be many shadows and colours in 360° but only 180° go in the right direction. There is only one true final target which can only be achieved by accepting the truth, by adopting the spirit of sportiness, by taking on the challenges & chances that freedom  offers.

When this happens, the man will be free (of false gods), peace will be.

All other ways without the truth have uncomfortable consequences *.

Indeed we can say either you watch out for the truth, or you're underway to become or you're already a servant of the lie (=the fear strategy: punish one to keep all others quiet  (→resp. update 27.01.23) and California shows you what is up next).




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7|89  326

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48  874

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"they would say that Mercury in retrograde would be entirely responsible for the thousands of delays in flights." Who are 'they'? The same who would say  mRNA jab be safe even for young healthy people  and children ? [..] Despite ‘fact’ checkers’ best efforts to dismiss it as normal, the number of people in this age group who died suddenly between January and April 2022 was 1,696% above the historical monthly norm. [..] Btw, my mom's tenant's father recently passed away at 54. Suddenly and unexpectedly. Burst aorta. Never heard such in my 60 years, but now. Forget the coincidence. (update)

Mercury was four times in retrograde during last year only, and that event generally lasts not a couple of hours but around 10-20 days. So, how often and for how long did Mercury cause flight disaster over the recent decade. Or was it this time another, special Mercury passing by.






"Er ist im Recht"

So läuft das wenn man einem Sozialisten, dem absolut Guten, in der Realitàt gegenübersteht. Dem Sozialisten oder den Elitaristen. Sie sind Beide eine Seite derselben Medaille.









Also, dass eines klar ist: Was mit der Menschheit passiert, wird zwischen den Beinen entschieden. (Update 24.01.23) Dort ist der Maßstab angesetzt, denn hier entscheidet sich wem man es gibt. Dem Falschen oder dem Gerechten.

Und wenn der Mensch es genau wissen will, dann war Corona und Ukraine nur ein gemütlicher Spaziergang.

Die Empfehlung zur sportlichen Lebenseinstellung bezieht sich nicht nur auf physische Bewegung sondern auf alle Aspekte des Lebens. Im Geiste der Sportlichkeit.


Ist die Wahrheit radikal ?

Die Wahrheit IST.


Radical is however what people does behind the curtains.



[..] Menschen sind nicht auf diese Welt gekommen, um irgendwelche Erfolge in der Gesellschaft zu erreichen. Der Kampf und das Ringen im Leben; der Versuch, Dinge zu erlangen, gleich mit welchen Mitteln – all das kann die Menschen nur zu schlechten Menschen machen. Das Ziel, in die Menschenwelt hinabzusteigen und als Mensch zu leben, liegt darin, Karma zu beseitigen und sich selbst gut zu kultivieren. [..] Gründer von Falun Gong, Li Hongzhi

[..] Ich bin gekommen, um Feuer auf die Erde zu werfen, und ich wünschte, es würde schon brennen.  Aber mir steht eine Taufe bevor, und ich bin sehr bedrückt, bis sie vollzogen ist. Denkt ihr vielleicht, dass ich gekommen bin, Frieden auf die Erde zu bringen? Nein, sage ich euch, sondern Entzweiung. Denn von jetzt an wird es so sein: Wenn fünf Menschen in einem Haus wohnen, werden sich drei gegen zwei stellen und zwei gegen drei. Der Vater wird gegen den Sohn sein und der Sohn gegen den Vater, die Mutter gegen die Tochter und die Tochter gegen die Mutter; die Schwiegermutter wird gegen die Schwiegertochter sein und die Schwiegertochter gegen die Schwiegermutter." [..] Jesus Christus in Lukas 12



Dinesh D'Souza On Fascism
[..] the fascist ideology is one that is distinctly on the left and the idea that fascists are right wing because they support racial superiority - wait a minute - the guy who showed the ku klux clan movie in the White House was Woodrow Wilson a progressive Democrat (means a mega clown) so a progressive was married to racism at the hip (~ emotionally) , so don't pretend
it was a right wing phenomenon. It wasn't.


Eye-opener. Hitler - a socialist- once joined the German communist  youth (apropos communists) and hated Gold as the symbol of capitalism because he knew it would hinder the money manipulation as typical in fiat capitalism while he was obsessed with the socialist fiat money printing, including for war, just as we do it today under the guise of progress.


Eye-opener. Jews weren't welcomed at all in the leftist socialist GDR.


Eye-opener. It were the leftist elitarists that humiliated and discriminated the critics of compulsory experimental vaccination. Some leftist even compared the critical mind to the disturbing appendix that has to be removed, just like the Jews under the Nazis, by some others even labeled "anti-science-terrorist-groups" and similar.


Eye-opener. How it comes that all the worlds leftists gathering around WEF top elitarists.

What is fascism other than elitarism.


Eye-opener. Azov Nazis integral part of and making career within the progressive Ukraine anti-Russian war machine since from the beginning in 2014, btw with the progressive Western's benevolence and active support until to this very day.

(update 29.01.23)

Eye-opener. Leftist Facebook & Asov Nazi cooperation

and so on.

What is to all of them in common is centralization and censorship.


It is the Chameleon inside of you.


update 27.01.23  APROPOS Chameleon

Let's have a look at Schwabenland


So, pick the right one





And if you still insist that fascism is a right wing phenomenon, then why you don't agree to send home all of them from the left to the right and be free of their manipulation. We, the critical thinker and freedom&fairness people don't need them. It's you the unfree one who need them, because you believe in their illusions and trickeries.

What is fascism


Cos'è fascimo


15.02.23 "It's fascism by definition of Mussolini!"



*       *       *       *

Pfizer homepage on 26.01.23 | Abuse of hope

aren't they by chance playing cat and mouse with you

and your political clowns making their prolonged arms

Dr.Robert Malone about the panic-agenda: "the whole thing is just a tragedy"

Pfizer Responds After Director Says Company Is Developing Ways To Mutate COVID-19
 [..] Dr. Robert Malone, who helped develop the messenger RNA technology, said that the experiments Pfizer described met the definition of “gain of function.”  “Pfizer is basically acknowledging that they are doing the same type of gain of function research that Boston University was caught doing, but they are denying that it is gain of function or directed evolution,” Malone wrote on Twitter.

1) Pfizer lawyers did not throw their Director of R&D Operations and Scientific Planning under the bus. 2) there is no denial of what he said. 3) No denial that he is Pfizer staff. 4) Swapping new spike sequences into original Wuhan-1 is technically gain of function research.
— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) January 28, 2023

Gain of function generally describes experiments that aim to increase functions of a virus such as transmissibility and virulence. Walker had said in his comments that the work he was describing was not gain of function, but “directed evolution.” [..]


28.01.23 APROPOS hope

[..] Also ich vertraue der Pharmaindustrie dass sie ihre Pflicht tut, und das ist bei dieser Industrie die Pflicht Geld zu verdienen. Das verlangen die Aktionäre von den Firmen. Und das versuchen sie, und das ist das primäre Interesse. Und damit da kein Unsinn passiert, damit da nichts böses passiert, dafür haben wir Aufsichtsbehören und Zulassungsprozesse und all diese Dinge, und Mindestanforderungen für die Zulassung. Das scheint jetzt in den letzten Jahren nicht mehr da zu sein, scheint nicht zu funktionieren. Wir sehen die Zulassung dieser sogenannten Impfstoffe und dieser RNA Technologie die ist ja 'holter wie polter' geschehen und da sind toxikologische Untersuchungen auch vorher kaum gemacht worden und die klinischen Studien sind miserabel. Die waren im Ansatz schon miserabel und nicht aussagefähig und trotzdem hat man diese Produkte zugelassen. Wenn die Zulassungsbehörden und die Kontrollbehöreden so korrupt sind dass sie da mitmachen, wer immer sie dazu bring, die Politik oder die Wirtschaft, oder wer auch immer, wenn die so korrupt sind dann kann man nicht mehr davon reden dass da begründetes Vertrauen angebracht ist, sondern da muss man misstrauisch werden. [..]  Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Hoppala, Pfeizer Zulassungsstudie zu mRNA Impfstoff wirft immer mehr Fragen auf. Wer hätte das nur gedacht.. Wenn der gutmenschliche Michel auch nur die leiseste Ahnung darüber hätte wie in diesem Business teils geflunkert wird.



what is Pfizer sponsoring




Controversial mRNA Technology Now Targeting Livestock
Five states have introduced bills either prohibiting gene therapy or mRNA technology in meat products or requiring full disclosure on packaging.

[..] “They would have to tell us if they begin using those things. As it is currently, almost all states do not,” Jones said. Jones said she confirmed through multiple agricultural sources that mRNA programs for U.S. livestock are “in the works.” “It is in the pipeline. Australia is already doing that.”  [..]
Block the import of such meat.

2|99   634



23.05.23  (translated)
SKIN DISEASES Unexpected dermatologic side effects after COVID-19 vaccinations

[..] A previously underappreciated side effect after COVID-19 vaccinations is attracting increasing attention: reports of unexpected skin reactions... [..]

Uni-Professor: „Alle politische Maßnahmen und Einschränkungen während der Pandemie waren sinnlos“
[..] Psychologe Kotchoubey: Mangelnde Aussagekraft der Inzidenzen und die Nebenwirkungen der Impfungen waren sehr früh bekannt. Es handelt sich um Grundkenntnisse, die man nicht „nicht wissen“ konnte. Mithilfe von Massentests gesunder Menschen kann die WHO immer eine Pandemie ausrufen.
Gebetsmühlenartig rechtfertigen Politiker und Medien die massiven Einschränkungen für die Menschen während der Pandemie. Fehlendes Wissen über das Coronavirus dient dabei stets als Argument. Doch war bereits sehr früh die mangelnde Aussagekraft von Inzidenzen bekannt. Dasselbe gilt für die zum Teil massiven Nebenwirkungen der Impfung, schreibt Prof. Dr. Boris Kotchoube…  [..]







Studie: Wiederholte COVID-19-Impfungen schwächen Immunsystem
[..] Laut einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie kann die wiederholte Verabreichung von COVID-19-Impfungen das Immunsystem schwächen und dadurch schwere Erkrankungen wie Autoimmunerkrankungen oder Krebs fördern.  [..]

Zunahme von Krebserkrankungen: AOK sieht Pandemie-Auswirkungen – US-Studie kritisiert mRNA-Impfungen
[..] Die Krankenkasse verweist auf mangelnde Früherkennung und ausgefallene Behandlungen. Eine Studie aus den USA stellt derweil einen Zusammenhang zwischen Krebs und mRNA-Impfung her.  [..]



Exposing the FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin
[..] Case in point: over on the FDA’s website, they maintain a page called: “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19”. However, when you dig into it, you’ll find that the clinical trials that the FDA points to (the ones that are listed on that page) say the exact opposite. [..]


Wanted: Unwaxxed blood



First People Sickened By COVID-19 Were Chinese Scientists At Wuhan Institute Of Virology, Say US Government Sources
After years of official pronouncements to the contrary, significant new evidence has emerged that strengthens the case that the SARS-CoV-2 virus accidentally escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). [..]


Covid-19 Created In Wuhan Lab Through Classified Bioweapons Program: US Investigators
Researchers in Wuhan, China working with the Chinese military were genetically manipulating the world's deadliest coronaviruses to create a new mutant virus right around the time that the Covid-19 pandemic began, according to the Sunday Times, which has reviewed hundreds of documents, "Including previously confidential reports, internal memos, scientific papers and email correspondence that has been obtained through sources or by freedom of information campaigners in the three years since the pandemic started." [..]
The truth is slow but reliable.



Monkey Virus DNA Found in COVID-19 Shots




Tucked away inside Slide number 12 of the CDC’s recent presentation on vaccine efficacy is a truly startling datapoint. It showed that, in the most recent period of time, the efficacy of the vaccine actually turned negative (in terms of hospitalizations). Meaning: if 2 people contracted COVID, and one of them was vaccinated, while the other was unvaccinated—the vaccinated individual would be more at risk of being hospitalized. [..]

Now you add all the other short and long term, known and still unknown risks and side effects to make your calculation.

Some may say 'well but your risk to die is lower after vaccine'. But this applies practically only to the seniors over 70-80 with multiple preconditions and even in these exceptional cases this effect last only for a few months.




Mechanical Ventilation: A Global Mass Murder ordered by the WHO
[..] The World Health Organization must be held accountable for this unethical recommendation to sacrifice suspected COVID-19 patients by using this as an infection mitigation strategy—especially since it had become apparent it was a death sentence within weeks of the pandemic outbreak.
Within weeks of the pandemic outbreak, it had become apparent that the standard practice of putting COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation was a death sentence—76.4 percent of COVID-19 patients (aged 18 to 65) in New York City who were placed on ventilators died. Among patients over age 65 who were vented, the mortality rate was 97.2 percent.
The recommendation to place COVID-19 patients on mechanical ventilation as a first-line response came from the World Health Organization (WHO), which allegedly based its guidance on experiences and recommendations from doctors in China. But venting COVID-19 patients wasn’t recommended because it increased survival. It was to protect health care workers by isolating the virus inside the vent machine. [..]


Over 500 Excess Heart Deaths A Week In England Since COVID-19 Began
Since Covid or since vaccination.




Die große Impflüge


A new, recently published study found that the more COVID-19 shots a person received, the more weakened the immune system becomes. The researches laid out within the study the mechanism by how this happens, witch has to do with the spike in production of IgG4 anti-bodies within the vaccine recipient's body.



Deutsche Forscher: BioNTech-Impfung enthielt Placebos und besonders giftige Chargen
[..] Von „harmlos“ bis „tödlich“: Deutsche Forscher belegen starke Unterschiede in BioNTech-Chargen  [..] Oder, wie es die deutschen Professoren zusammenfassten: Die guten waren schlecht, die schlechten waren sehr schlecht, und die sehr guten waren Kochsalzlösung (Placebos).   [..]

Selbstmord mit 41: Schauspielerin Katarína Paveleková (Kat Pave) erträgt chronische Schmerzen nach mRNA-Booster nicht mehr

Alles andere als ein  Einzelschicksal, aber bei den korrupten Medien fällt das alles unter den Tisch.



08.07.23  "It's the science"




Young people dropping dead




28-Year-Old Pro Basketball Player Dies of Heart Attack
Less than 2 years after telling fans Pfizer shots led him to develop vaccine-induced myocarditis
USA: Versteckte Textnachrichten enthüllen, wie Wissenschaftler das Narrativ über Herkunft von COVID-19 diktierten 
Bekannte Wissenschaftler, darunter Dr. Anthony Fauci, haben die Theorie des Laborunfalls als Ursprung der Corona-Pandemie lange geleugnet. Chatprotokolle zeigen jedoch, dass sie privat anders dachten.

USA: Hidden text messages reveal how scientists dictated narrative on origin of COVID-19.
[..] Well-known scientists, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, have long denied the laboratory accident theory as the origin of the Corona pandemic. Chat transcripts, however, show that they privately thought otherwise. [..]




"This particular study was essentially a systematic review of many different autompsies of people who died following vaccination with the conclusion of the study being that the Covid vaccine either caused or significantly contributed to the death of 74 percent of the individuals.
Politically unbearable.

Censored within 24 hours.



mRNA COVID Vaccines May Be Triggering ‘Turbo Cancers’ in Young People: Experts

[..] Many of the virologists’ internal emails and Slack messages began leaking onto Twitter, followed by a joint Public and Racket investigation. The messages showed scientists were deeply concerned that the COVID virus could have been engineered or leaked from a Wuhan lab, even as they publicly ridiculed such thinking as a “conspiracy theory.” In one example, Andersen wrote his colleagues on February 1, 2020, in a private Slack message, “I think the main thing still in my mind is that the lab escape version of this is so friggin’ likely to have happened because they were already doing this type of work and the molecular data is fully consistent with that scenario.”  

That following day, Andersen added another private message to virologists, “The main issue is that accidental lab escape is in fact highly likely – it’s not some fringe theory.” [..]

Covid Split Tongue Scientist Professor Edward Holmes named NSW Scientist of the Year.

[..] A reanalysis of a highly influential Boston mask study claiming continued mask mandates reduced COVID-19 cases in schools found districts that dropped masking requirements actually experienced the largest decreases in COVID-19 cases.  [..]  After reanalyzing the same data using multiple methodologies, including utilizing a larger statewide control group, researchers came to a strikingly different conclusion: Schools that dropped masking requirements experienced a 22 percent decrease in COVID-19 cases compared to a 12 percent decrease in masked districts. [..]


New Evidence Suggests mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Transmission of Aerosols by Vaccinated to Unvaccinated
New evidence suggests vaccinated individuals can transmit antibodies generated through mRNA COVID-19 vaccination to unvaccinated individuals through aerosols, according to a peer-reviewed study published in ImmunoHorizons.

11.08.23 (translated)

Long-term study: scarred children's hearts months after Covid vaccination


[..] One in 35 health care workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the vaccine, mRNA-1273, researchers found.
“mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated elevation of markers of myocardial injury occurred in about one out of 35 persons (2.8%), a greater incidence than estimated in meta-analyses of hospitalized cases with myocarditis (estimated incidence 0.0035%) after the second vaccination,” the researchers wrote in the paper, published by the European Journal of Heart Failure. [..]







29.08.23 (translated)
"The Hidden Crisis": Now mRNA Vaccination Victims Speak Out


[..] A new tick-borne meat allergy known as alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is making headlines as nearly half a million Americans have reportedly become affected by the potentially life-threatening condition. [..] There is often hesitancy to administer (pdf) gelatin-containing vaccines due to a concern that allergic reactions could occur, although some argue the risk of not receiving a particular vaccine may outweigh the possible risk of an allergic reaction. [..] Recent case reports suggest there is a connection between severe anaphylaxis in patients suffering from AGS and vaccines containing hydrolyzed gelatin (pdf) and bovine serum, including the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, some influenza vaccines, varicella, MMR and varicella ProQuad vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and inactivated polio combination vaccine (DTaP/IPV), yellow fever, zoster vaccine, and the tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (TDaP) vaccine commonly given to pregnant women. [..]




Watch: Fauci Squirms As CNN Anchor Confronts Him With Data Showing Masks Don't Work
Anthony Fauci refused to back away from the recommendation of face masks Saturday as CNN (of all networks) confronted him with a new study (among many other) showing that they have no effect on preventing the spread of COVID. [..]

The behaviour of these gamblers is just so symptomatic. And now they go ahead with even more mRNA-vaccines to be applied on different fields i.e. pathologies


Behörden verheimlichten: Corona-Welle 2021 betraf überwiegend Geimpfte.

Diese Nachricht alleine sollte eine Revolution auslòsen.

Alpha-Gal Syndrome May Be Linked to Vaccine Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is an acute, life-threatening hypersensitivity disorder characterized by a generalized, rapidly evolving, multi-systemic allergic reaction.

People Rarely Transmit COVID-19 Before Experiencing Symptoms: Lancet Study
[..] The researchers also tested the inside of masks worn by the participants, checked their hands, and examined the air and surfaces of rooms that the subjects were kept in for a minimum of 14 days. [..] Ultimately, the researchers found that less than 10 percent of the viral emissions from infected participants took place before the first symptoms emerged. [..]
The new study—which takes the form of a rigorous, controlled “challenge study” rather than the earlier modeling studies that relied on subjective inputs and assumptions of researchers—contradicts earlier research that set the tone for much of the prevailing narrative. That early research appears to have inflated the perceived threat of presymptomatic spread. [..]




FDA, CDC Hid Data on Spike in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated: Documents


COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce Immune Response to Other Infections, Potential Concern of Immune Deficiency
[..] “Our findings suggest SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination could alter the immune response to other pathogens, which cause both vaccine-preventable and non-vaccine-preventable diseases,” the authors of the paper published in Frontiers in Immunology wrote. “This is particularly relevant in children as they: have extensive exposure to microbes at daycare, school, and social occasions; are often encountering these microbes for the first time; and receive multiple vaccines as part of routine childhood vaccination schedules.”[..]




Bold numbers = average surplus deaths since Corona, calculated on 10.000people/year

Fettgedruckt = durchschnittl. Überschuss an Verstorbenen seit Corona, berechnet auf 10.000 Einwohner/Jahr

Time to reflect about if blind trust pays off.




Mitochondriale Dysfunktion in Herz, Nieren und Leber nach COVID oder Impfung – Lösungsansätze für Betroffene


Neue Studie: Schwere Autoimmunerkrankungen nach Covid-19-Impfungen



Tödliche Impfchargen - Es gab sie wirklich! (Deadly vaccination batches - They really existed!)  Interview mit Prof. Dr. Dyker und Prof. Dr. Matysik




Journal Rejects Request to Retract Study Suggesting Negative COVID Vaccine Effectiveness
[..] Analyzing numbers from California's prison system, a research group found that those who received one of the bivalent boosters had a higher infection rate than people who have never received a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Their study was published by the journal Cureus following peer review. Each study has an author who fields questions and comments. They are known as the corresponding author. Cureus confirmed that the study's corresponding author has asked the journal to retract the article. ".. however, we have determined that there is no basis for retraction and therefore it will remain published," Graham Parker-Finger, director of publishing and customer success for Cureus, told The Epoch Times via email.

Someone has got a visit from the men in black.



Biologe: Massive DNA-Verunreinigung in BioNTech-Impfstoff – „Jede Impfung damit war illegal“  +
Study Finds Signs of Heart Injury in Vaccinated People Without Chest Pain
The study results 'suggest that mild asymptomatic myocardial inflammation could be more common than we ever expected,' one doctor said.  [..]


COVID Vaccines Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths: Scientific Report
Data suggest COVID-19 vaccines haven’t saved lives, but instead, have resulted in 17 million deaths and increased all-cause mortality in 17 countries.  [..]
Don't forget the systematic underreporting on vaccine injuries due to political and systemic pressure and the same on vaccine deaths due to suppression of obductions, yet systematic overreporting with the Covid deaths due to corrupting incentives by the corrupt governments to the hospitals. These facts must reduce every study to a simple attempt to find out the truth, but destined to fail.



COVID-19 Shot May Be Linked to Unexpected Vaginal Bleeding: Study
A new study implicates the COVID vaccine in incidences of abnormal bleeding among nonmenstruating women.





Excess deaths [black line] rising with the start of vaccination  [not with the start of corona]



mRNA COVID Vaccines Form Spike Protein in Heart Cells, but Cause Different Anomalies: Research Article
[..] New research observing rat and human heart cells shows that within 48 hours of vaccination, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines form spike proteins. [..]Spike proteins, made from the mRNA instructions inside the vaccines, were detected in the heart cells. While both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines caused cell abnormalities, the two induced different anomalies. [..] "The findings support both the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac events following mRNA-based COVID vaccination," the authors wrote, adding that the findings may explain persistent cardiac symptoms among long-COVID patients. [..]


Nearly 1 in 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Suffered Neurological Side Effects: Study
[..] The people included in the study suffered from headaches, tremors, muscle spasms, insomnia, sleepiness, vertigo, and difficulty in concentration. [..]
One guy told me about hellish muscle pain for abut 6 weeks - 2 month after vaccination. Went from one doctor to the next. None had an explanation yet none was ready to attribute it to the vaccine. 

Had you followed the Red Pages..

[..] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is refusing to recall Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, promoting the view that the inclusion of a previously-undisclosed DNA sequence that leaves behind fragments is not of concern.   [..]

Several foreign agencies, including Health Canada, have confirmed outside scientists' assessment that the vaccine contains the DNA sequence. They've also said Pfizer did not highlight the inclusion in regulatory filings.
The FDA would not answer a number of questions about the sequence, including when the agency learned about its inclusion and whether it learned about it from Pfizer. Pfizer and its partner, BioNTech, have not responded to inquiries. [..]


„Impfstoff“ tötete 3,5-mal mehr Amerikaner als der COVID-Virus

[..] Die unverantwortlichen Angriffe des LA Times-Journalisten Michael Hiltzik auf die Arbeit von MSU-Professor Mark Skidmore haben mich dazu veranlasst, eine eigene Umfrage unter meinen Lesern durchzuführen, um herauszufinden, wie hoch der Schaden tatsächlich ist. [..]
Über 10.000 Leser haben geantwortet.
Die Excel-Analyse der ersten 9.620 Antworten, die zeigt, dass die Antworten mit einer Poisson-Verteilung übereinstimmen und dass Hunderte von zufälligen 10%-Ziehungen aus den Daten nichts an dem Ergebnis ändern, dass die Impfstoffe mindestens 2,5 Mal mehr Menschen getötet haben als COVID.
Die Umfrage umfasste


Antworten. Die Analyse der ersten


Antworten ergab


Todesfälle durch COVID und


Todesfälle durch den COVID-Impfstoff. Diese Ergebnisse wurden auf der Grundlage von mindestens


Personen ermittelt, die an der Umfrage teilnahmen [..]



03.11.23 (translated)

Almost every third shows nerve-problems after Covid vaccination

'Der kleine Pieks'

Psychosis, Panic Attacks, Hallucinations: Bizarre Psychiatric Cases Among the COVID Vaccinated


How the COVID Vaccine Could Harm Your Gut, Leading to Brain Fog and Autoimmune Disease


Boris Johnson  "Wenn Sie über 65 Jahre als sind, ist ihr Sterberisiko bei Corona, so wie das Risiko eines Treppenunfalls. Und verbieten Älteren nicht die Treppenbenutzung "
Billions of Copies of Residual DNA in a Single Dose of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: Preprint  A new preprint study up for peer review finds billions of residual DNA fragments in COVID-19 mRNA vaccine vials.

Übersterblichkeit nach mRNA-Injektionen: Weltweit bis zu 17 Millionen Todesfälle
Es gibt keinen Zufall, sagt der Volksmund. Dasselbe behaupten Forscher, die Todesfälle der letzten Jahre untersucht haben: Die „harten Fakten“ erlaubten eine „eindeutige Schlussfolgerung hinsichtlich der Kausalität und der Toxizität der Corona-Injektionen“.
SARS-CoV-2, meist einfach „Corona“ genannt, hielt im Jahr 2020 die Welt in Atem. Zu einer Übersterblichkeit führte das neuartige Coronavirus jedoch nicht. Anders verhalten sich die Todesfälle 2021 und 2022 nach der massenhaften Verbreitung und Anwendung der mRNA-basierten „Corona-Impfstoffe“.  Eine bislang nicht peer-reviewte Studie beschäftigte sich mit diesen zunächst kontraintuitiven Zahlen. Dabei kommen die vier Autoren um Denis G. Rancourt vom kanadischen „Forschungsinstitut für Öffentliches Interesse“ zu einem erschreckenden Ergebnis:
7 Millionen Corona-Tote – 17 Millionen Impf-Tote
Während „Statista“ bis zum 25. September weltweit etwa 6,9 Millionen Corona-Tote zählt, fanden Rancourt und Kollegen etwa 1,7 Millionen zusätzliche Todesfälle im Zusammenhang mit den mRNA-Injektionen – und zwar in lediglich 17 Ländern: Argentinien, Australien, Bolivien, Brasilien, Chile, Ecuador, Kolumbien, Malaysia, Neuseeland, Paraguay, Peru, die Philippinen, Singapur, Surinam, Südafrika, Thailand und Uruguay. Die genannten Länder erstrecken sich über vier Kontinente und vereinen laut Studie 9,1 Prozent der Weltbevölkerung, 10,3 Prozent der weltweiten Corona-Spritzen mit durchschnittlich 1,91 Injektionen pro Person in allen Altersklassen und – für die Statistik am wichtigsten – praktisch alle Typen und alle Hersteller von COVID-19-Impfungen. [..]


09.11.23           "Die Corona Impfung ist sicher und effizient."






'Pandemic indoctrination': Eye-Opening Video Banned From Social Media.
- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) owns the patent for SARS-CoV (the virus responsible for SARS) isolated from humans. In 2007, the CDC filed a petition with the patent office to keep its coronavirus patent confidential. It also owns patents for detection methods and for a kit to measure the virus.
- By law, one cannot patent naturally occurring DNA. If SARS-CoV is natural, then the patent is illegal. If the virus is manmade, the patent is legal, but the creation of the virus would be a violation of biological weapons treaties and laws. So, either way, the CDC may have engaged in illegal activity.
- Because the CDC owns the patent on SARS-CoV, it controls who has the ability to make inquiries into it. Unless authorized, you cannot look at the virus, and you cannot measure it or make tests for it since the CDC owns all those patents. [..]

New Report Raises Concerns That CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System Is Broken
A BMJ investigation found the CDC isn’t following its standards for maintaining VAERS, is missing safety signals, and essentially maintains two databases. The nation’s primary early warning system used to detect possible safety problems with vaccines is “overwhelmed,” raising concerns the system may be broken and isn’t being adequately managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), according to a new investigation.  [..] ..the investigation revealed that VAERS is neither transparent, user-friendly, nor responsive, and suggests the government essentially maintains two VAERS systems—only one of which the public can access. Co-managed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and CDC, VAERS collects reports of symptoms, diagnoses, hospital admissions, and deaths after vaccination to capture post-marketing safety. [..]
Study Reveals Most Common Chronic Symptoms After COVID-19 Vaccination
 [..] The most common symptoms were exercise intolerance, excessive fatigue, numbness, brain fog, and neuropathy, researchers reported in the paper. Insomnia, palpitations, myalgia, tinnitus, headache, burning sensations, and dizziness were also experienced by at least half of the participants in the study,   [..]


Immer mehr Sportler versterben an Herzinfarkt.




171,000 Were Killed by COVID in the US, Not 1 Million: Dr. Robert Malone | Florida Summit
[..] In a speech challenging the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Robert Malone, a pioneer of mRNA technology, criticized top-down regulation and the collaboration between the U.S. government and the Chinese Communist Party. [..]
Dr. Malone alleged that a novel coronavirus, engineered for enhanced human infectivity, was funded by the U.S. government and propagated within the United States. Expressing skepticism toward the safety and efficacy of imposed medical interventions, Dr. Malone contended that excess deaths in the United States due to centralized government policies surpassed half a million.
[..] He asserted that data from Sweden demonstrated a significantly lower SARS-CoV-2 case fatality rate, challenging the narrative put forth by the U.S. government and the legacy media.[..]
27.11.23 Dr. Frank bei Corona Symposium

"Warum eigentlich Gen-basierte Impfstoffe". "Ein Skandal im Skandal der Skandale.


Vaccinated People More Likely to Suffer Blood Disorders, Ear Disease: Studies  People who received COVID-19 vaccines at higher risk of a range of conditions, South Korean researchers find.


Do masks really protect



Madness, once in power, never stops by itself

Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger
The next generation of RNA-based injections will contain self-amplifying RNA (saRNA). If the term “self-amplifying RNA” sounds frightening, it should. It likely brings to mind images of scientific experiments run amok.
The term “self-amplifying” is self-explanatory: saRNA replicates itself repeatedly, which is not natural, as natural mRNA is always (without exception) transcribed from DNA (this is called the “central dogma of molecular biology”).  [..]
As we discovered with modRNA, the spike protein is poisonous to our bodies. We know that modRNA results in the production of more spike protein than would be available during a natural infection, and we know that repeated boosters cause immune tolerance.
Compared to modRNA, a small amount of saRNA results in an increased amount of produced antigen.  [..]
The “dose” of viral antigen that current and future RNA-based vaccines bring about will show large fluctuations from one individual to the next, depending on the cell type producing the desired antigen, genetic predisposition, medical history, and other factors. This fact alone should prohibit the use of RNA-based injections as vaccines for healthy people.  [..]


Thyroid Diseases Linked to COVID-19 Vaccination: Studies
Thyroid disorders, especially hypothyroidism, may be linked to COVID-19 vaccinations as possible adverse reactions, reports a recent Indian study.  [..] Dr. Saleeby reasoned that spike protein could disturb the normal feedback loop mechanism between the thyroid and other endocrine organs, disrupting hormonal production.  [..]


FDA Knew Safety Monitoring System Was 'Not Sufficient'
[..] Federal health agencies claim COVID-19 vaccines are part of the “most intensive vaccine safety monitoring effort in U.S. history,” with “continuous” and “robust” safety monitoring that helps ensure that the vaccine's benefits outweigh any risks. Yet the final documents released from Pfizer’s biologic product file reveal the agency knew its safety monitoring program was not sufficient to assess the serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. [..]

Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation
[..] A new Canadian government report reveals a 300% rise in “unspecified causes” of death from 2019-2022 as unknown causes climbed to the fifth leading cause of death in Canada. Some health experts said the stark increase should trigger an investigation into whether the deaths are linked to COVID-19 vaccines. [..]

We Knew mRNA Vaccines Could Get Into Brain and Ovaries Since 2012: Dr. Richard Urso | Florida Summit


23.12.23 Krissy Rieger (translated)
[..] "A new study shows an alarming rise in cancer diagnoses in people under 50. An incredible 158,000 more Americans died in the first 9 months of this year than in all of 2019 (i.e. before the mRNA vaccine). That's more than in all wars since Vietnam combined says lora Ingraham". Young people are particularly affected. Mortality was 26% higher among 25-44 year olds and 19% higher among 45-65 year olds. [..] Dr Pierre Kory makes the question. Why have healthy people been dying in droves since 2021? We have never seen these numbers before. [..]


Self-Amplifying RNA Shots Are Coming: The Untold Danger



Research: COVID-19 Vaccines May Trigger Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

Bestatterin zu mRNA Impfungen: "dann haben wir die ganzen untypischen Todesfällte bekommen, nur so einfach tot im Bett gelegen, ganz komische Sachen auch. Wir hatten auch Sterbefällte das fand ich eher gruselig, die haben wirklich aus allen Poren geblutet, das war nicht schön, das hatten wir in den 16 Jahren noch nicht einmal. Also ganz ungewöhnliche Dinge die da aufgetreten sind, die vorher nicht waren." [..]

"Bei den Äpfeln schauen sie drauf dass sie ja nicht genterapiert sind, und dann lassen sie sich selbst genterapieren. " [..]


Research: COVID-19 Vaccines May Trigger Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
[..] The clinical presentation of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy resembles that of acute myocardial infarction, with common symptoms including acute chest pain and breathlessness. [..]


Prof. Dr. Paul Cullen 60% der PCR-Tests waren irrelevant.
Abnormal Physiology in the Vaccinated Heart
09.01.24 (translated)
The new disease: non-mRNA-vaccinated people officially coded as sick by the WHO. No other vaccination is handled in this way, except for Covid. The media remain silent. "A medical absurdity" | Dr. med. Simon Feldhaus
People, when the day comes, the Covid virus will be let out of the lab again, then all non-mRNA vaccinated people will be isolated as a potential danger. That way, they deactivate the critical thinkers and intelligence under lockdown.



[..] another significant facet of the COVID-19 vaccine is that it can damage our cellular immunity, especially T-cell immunity. Cellular immunity, or cell-mediated immunity, does not involve antibodies and is pivotal in preventing the severe form of COVID-19. Recent evidence shows that after a fifth vaccine booster dose, cellular immunity waned as well. [..]


Vaccines Could Impact Mortality and Risks of Other Diseases: Study
A recent review found non-live vaccines tend to increase a person’s risks of all-cause mortality, as well.
Apart from potentially preventing a particular disease, vaccines may cause persistent nonspecific effects that can affect a person’s lifetime survival.
In a review published on Dec. 26 in Vaccine, researchers found that non-live vaccines like influenza, COVID-19, hepatitis B, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) tend to cause adverse nonspecific effects (NSE), increasing a person’s risks of all-cause mortality and the potential risk of infections from diseases they are meant to protect against.
A live vaccine contains a weakened form of the pathogen, which is less virulent but capable of replicating in the body, thus mimicking the actual disease progression. Non-live vaccines use inactivated viruses, fragments, or genes of the pathogen to trigger an immune response without pathogen replication. [..]


mRNA-vaccines may cause persistent nonspecific effects that can affect a person’s lifetime survival. In a review published on Dec. 26 in Vaccine, researchers found that non-live vaccines like influenza, COVID-19, hepatitis B, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) tend to cause adverse nonspecific effects (NSE), increasing a person’s risks of all-cause mortality and the potential risk of infections from diseases they are meant to protect against.  [..]

Fauci Comes Clean Over 'Science-less' Six-Foot-Distancing Rule
[“It just sort of appeared,” he told the subcommittee, .. admitting there was never any science behind it.
That’s extremely peculiar. This rule governed all social interaction for two years and more. [..]

Leftist Americas medical god


mRNA Vaccines Contain Prion Region, May Be Linked to Prion-Like Diseases

As pathogenic prions accumulate, people may start to develop prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and mad cow disease. [..]

Dutch parliamentarian in the EU Parliament
"And we have asked for clarification about the many problems related to the Covid vaccines. And these problems are so serious that we have asked the EMA to revoke the marketing authorization. This month we received a response to our letter from the EMA, and this response contains shocking facts. First of all, the EMA makes it explicitly clear that it has only and exclusively placed the corona vaccines on the market for individual immunization  (to which price .. ?) and in no way for infection control and certainly not for the prevention or reduction of infections. And that is devastating for governments that went into the election campaign with the message that they were doing it for someone else. None of this is true. Not only did the EMA not approve the vaccines for the prevention of infections at all, the EMA goes even further and states in its response and I quote: 'The EMA's assessment report on the approval of vaccines emphasizing the lack of data on the risk of infection'. In other words, the vaccines were not intended to prevent infection and there is certainly no data to show that the vaccines help against infection.

In fact, the EMA states that repeated exposure to the virus increases the risk of infection, even in vaccinated people. The government's massive campaigns to vaccinate people to protect their parents, neighbors and the most vulnerable in society were not only illicit, but also utter nonsense and not based on facts.

But unfortunately it gets worse. The EMA says: vaccinations are solely for the protection of the person being vaccinated and before the person or patient is vaccinated, and I quote the EMA again 'All safety information should be carefully considered before any vaccination is administered or recommended'. So they would only be entitled to a vaccination if a doctor had determined that it was appropriate in their case, and since virtually no one under the age of 60 was at risk of serious complications from the coronavirus, with a few exceptions, therefore no one under the age of 60 should have been vaccinated. The gym halls full of vaccinated people were therefore completely at odds with the use for which the vaccines were approved by the EMA.

And it gets even worse with regard to the safety assessment of the vaccines. For the EMA it was important that side effects were properly recorded and the EMA says 'We expect many reports of side effects occurring during or shortly after vaccination'. And that means that complaints must be reported, especially in the first vaccination phase. The government supported a policy where these complaints were not reported in the first 14 days after vaccination, under the pretext that the vaccine would take 10-14 days to take effect. All complaints during this period were attributed to the coronavirus. And this is not only fraud, it also deliberately endangers human lives. And I would like to remind you once again that we are still struggling with an enormous so-called unexplained excess mortality rate. .. "




Those who could read and/or think for themselves, knew from day one.

Don't forget the inglorious role of the WHO.
Big media and globalists including GOOGLE & Co in the same boat.
And what about your current government, which is in the process of contractually degrading your medical professionals to 'soldiers' under the commando of the same WHO.



[..] the FDA explains what gene therapy products are: “All products that mediate their effects by transcription and/or translation of transferred genetic material.”
The COVID-19 mRNA and adenovirus vaccines fall into this category. They mediate their effects by inducing the body to translate mRNA genetic information into spike proteins.
In other words, mRNA vaccination is what it is. A gene therapy.


Study Finds Hearing And Balance Disorders Among COVID-19 Vaccinated

04.03.24 Corona-Untersuchungsausschuss:  Wo sind die Corona-Patientenakten





04.03.24 *




When Dr. Suzanne Humphries explained to me the history of vaccines, I said, "This is just like the Italian mafia."
"It's worse," she replied. "Give me the Italian mafia any day."

Dr Harvey Risch: Anstieg aggressiver "Turbo-Krebsarten" besonders bei jüngeren Menschenm



Forscher entdecken mögliche Genveränderungen durch COVID-19-Impfungen
[..] Forscher aus Deutschland und den USA berichten, dass mRNA-Impfstoffe das Erbgut in menschlichen Krebszelllinien verändern können. [..] Mithilfe verschiedener Verfahren konnte der US-amerikanische Molekularbiologe Kevin McKernan im Februar 2023 nachweisen, dass die mRNA-Impfstoffe erheblich mit DNA-Fragmenten verunreinigt sind. Dies soll auf den Produktionsprozess zurückzuführen sein, bei dem DNA als Vorlage für die RNA verwendet wird. [..] Inzwischen wurden McKernans Beobachtungen von zahlreichen Wissenschaftlern bestätigt, darunter die Magdeburger Mikrobiologin und Immunologin Professor Brigitte König sowie Professor Phillip Buckhaults von der Universität South Carolina. [..]


McKernan: Corona-Impfstoff-DNA mischt sich in menschliche Krebszellen
[..] Was McKernan und sein Team herausgefunden haben, widerspricht den aktuellen Argumenten von Faktenprüfern. [..]



'Hör mal einer an'.  News ? Für die Gehör- u. Sehbehinderten vielleicht. Nicht für den Rote Seiten Leser

 *      → 




Modified RNA in COVID Vaccines May Contribute to Cancer Development: Review
[..] In a review published on April 5, researchers argue that modification—specifically, N1-methyl-pseudouridine modification—to mRNA causes immune suppression that may contribute to cancer development. [..]


Dr. Harvey Risch: Anstieg aggressiver „Turbo-Krebsarten“ – besonders bei jüngeren Menschen | ATL:NOW
Forscher verzeichnen Anstieg der Krebssterblichkeit nach COVID-19-Impfungen in Japan
Excess Deaths in Japan Hit 115,000 Following 3rd COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why
Key Ingredient in mRNA COVID Shots Aids Cancer Development, New Study Shows
COVID-19 Linked to ‘Alarming Rise’ of Rare and Highly Lethal Fungal Infection


Expert Reveals Shocking Number of Excess Deaths
“Every regulator, every health authority, every government should be screaming from the top of their lungs: ‘This is a problem. This is a national [and] global crisis. We should look into it.’ But there’s silence on it, and I believe they’re silent because they know the answer.”




Heart Failure Mortality Rates Surge to Highest Levels in 20 Years
More people are dying of heart failure, completely reversing long-standing declines in mortality rates.




Vertraut mehr auf die Natur

und ihre gottgegebenen Heilmittel




[..] Researchers studied 24 commercially available teas and identified five that significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 levels in saliva. These were raspberry zinger, eucalyptus mint, mint medley, green tea, and black tea. [..] The findings, published in Food and Environmental Virology, showed that all five tea varieties reduced the amount of the virus by at least 96 percent within just 10 seconds when used in the mouth and throat. When gargled, the teas were even more effective, eliminating 99.9 percent of the virus in the same timeframe. [..]




Immunity & Character
[..] according to a Harvard University and the University of California–Berkeley study published in Current Opinion in Psychology in 2015, people with honest hearts are less prone to viral infections. That’s because the cortisol responsiveness of liars is significantly higher than that of truth-tellers. And the higher the cortisol responsiveness, the easier it is for the stress hormone levels in the body to rise. Corticosteroids and cortisol have an inhibitory effect on immune cells and suppress the body’s ability to fight viruses. Therefore, dishonest behavior will lead to a decline in antiviral ability.
Researchers found that having a stronger sense of purpose in life effectively prevents lethal events. A person with a high score on the purpose in life measure had a 43 percent reduced risk of mortality compared to a person with a low score.
We all know about the fake news and deceitful propaganda in China, including the cover-up and concealment of COVID-19 data, the suppression of whistleblowers, and the suppression of people who dare to speak the truth. The high-ranking officials in China [..] didn’t share the truth with people. They either executed the cover-up or helped with the cover-up. From a biological perspective, their bodies’ stress hormone levels may be much higher than people who don’t bear the stress of dishonesty. If they lived in that state constantly, the chronically elevated stress hormones would have done great damage to their immunity.
These officials don’t put the well-being of the Chinese people before profits or power. Therefore, the interferon gene expression level of their immune cells is expected to be lower than that of people who care for others.
If these officials were to have had more virtuous minds and kinder hearts, they might have been less prone to viral infections or at risk for severe disease. [..]





Gottes Wege. Der Mond überlagert bei Sonnenfinsternis präzise die Sonne sowohl auf der planetaren Ebene wie auch im Querschnitt. Die Zeichen sind allgegenwärtig. Doch dieserart Zeichen dürfen nicht zu offensichtlich sein sondern dürfen für gewöhnlich nur die Symbolsprache sprechen. Alles andere wäre ungesetzlich, ausgenommen in Ausnahmenzeiten bzw Ausnahmesituationen.  So will es Gott, denn das Brot das nicht verdient werden muss ist wertlos.
Aus demselben Grunde ist eine Gesellschaft die nicht mehr arbeiten geht sinnlos und dem Untergang geweiht.




01.02.23 (translated)
Amazon employees strike: "Company treats robots better than us"

With globalization you will end up as numbers.



The Long-Term Negative Effects Of ESG Will Be Catastrophic
[..] In a sense, ESG is a novel and brilliant way to place private corporations under the yolk of government. No longer would governments have to deal with having to pay shareholders a fair price. They would not have to use the threat of physical violence to coerce managers to do their bidding. The supporters of ESG merely had to bully companies into adopting policies that destroyed shareholder value by psychologically manipulating employees, shareholders, and the public into believing that these activities were virtuous.
Of course, all too many corporate leaders learned to “love their enslavement.” Why wouldn’t they? Instead of competing in a brutal capitalistic world, they had their markets protected by government dictate creating defacto monopolies and oligopolies. Senior managers would be heavily compensated for playing along, creating a billionaire and multi-millionaire parasite class.
Of course, this brave new world of “stakeholder capitalism” comes at a terrible cost. Economic efficiency declines precipitously. Also, this form of socialism is a huge transfer of wealth to senior managers and corrupt politicians.. [..]
ESG is the market of illusion




heißt nichts anderes als dass der einfache, ehrlich arbeitende Bürger an eine Elite verkauft wird, die ihn zum Narren hält. (resp.update 19.02.23)
means nothing else than that the simple, honest working citizen is sold to an elite that makes a fool of him.



Das aktuelle Fiat Geldsystem

erzeugt einen permanenten und zwar stetig zunehmenden Interessenkonflikt zwischen seinen Profiteuren einerseits und den Geschröpften andererseits.

Wir alle zahlen Steuern für den Sozialstaat. Warum brauchen wir dann noch ein manipulatives Geldsystem das zum Mißbrauch regelrecht einladet (die Spielernatur voranbringt anstatt den Fleissigen, die Reichen zusätzlich bereichert und die Armen zusätzlich verarmt und damit durch ungesunde Machtkonzentrationen das Universum völlig aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt und darüber hinaus Kriegsfinanzierung leicht macht), und schier grenzenlose Verschuldung (jetzt als Vermögen verkauft!) auf unser aller Schultern ermöglicht.

Es ist die Masse der Geschröpften die hier die Reißleine ziehen müssen für die bessere Zukunft. Von Denen die von diesen Mißständen profitieren -Eliten und Regierungen inklusive- braucht man nicht erwarten dass die das ändern. Stattdessen wüden sie dich in Ketten legen.


The current fiat money system

creates a permanent yet continuously increasing conflict of interest between its profiteers on one hand and the fleeced ones on the other hand.
We all pay taxes for the welfare state. Why do we need a manipulative money system that invites for abuse (favouring the gambler nature instead of the industrious and hard working one, additionally enriching the rich, additionally impoverishing the poor, and therefore through increasingly insane power concentration bringing the Universe completely out of balance, and furthermore makes war funding easy), and which allows almost limitless debt (which they now falsely call capital) on all our shoulders.
It is the mass of the fleeced who must pull the ripcord here, for the better future. From those who profit from this abuse - elites and governments included - you do not need to expect the change. Instead they would put you in chains.

What kind of pilots do you rely on


Tödlicher Skiunfall: *


-Jähriger aus


prallt gegen




Zu einem tragischen Unglück ist es am Samstagvormittag im Skigebiet Ratschings gekommen: Ein 22-jähriger aus Elzenbaum in der Gemeinde

Freien - feld

hat dabei sein Leben verloren. Passiert ist das Unglück gegen

10.30 Uhr: Der 22-Jährige war auf der


unterwegs, als er einem anderen Skifahrer ausweichen wollte und dabei

von der Piste abkam

und mit

voller Wucht gegen einen Baum prallte.



Die Bilanz in Montan: Über 100 Einsatzkräfte und 16 Verletzte
Die Montaner Bevölkerung stand am Samstagabend unter Schock, als nach einem Faschingsumzug ein Wagen umgekippt war. Da sich auf dem Wagen


Personen befanden, ging man zunächst vom Schlimmsten aus. Es kam zu einem Großeinsatz: 10 Rettungstransportwägen, mehrere Feuerwehren und ein Notarzthubschrauber eilten nach Montan. Insgesamt wurden 16 Personen verletzt – eine davon schwer. [..]
Blödeln während man auf die Wand zufährt.

Take this one instead.


[..]..for us to spit on that man who made all of that possible, is .. [..]









Deconstruction: Why Leftist Movements Cannot Coexist With People That Value Freedom  [..] It should be clear to anyone paying attention during this current stage of instability in our modern era that something is very wrong in terms of American society. I’m not talking about ongoing issues of political corruption and economic mismanagement, I’m talking about something much more dangerous. I’m talking about the systematic derailment of our culture, heritage, principals, history and moral compass. I’m talking about the vicious devouring of the very sinews that hold our civilization together. [..]




Being human is a status that needs a direction in order to become dynamic, and it starts with the mindset and with its horizon.


6 is what buries your true original self and distances yourself more and more from those who have worked up to their true original self.

9 is what lifts you back up to your true original self and may motivate others who have buried their true original self -and who find themselves trapped- to turn around and follow your example.

Ist die Qual der (Partner-)Wahl (heute) so groß, dass man meint, es sei besser, sich überhaupt nicht mehr festzulegen? Lieber abwarten und schauen, was sonst noch so geboten wird im digitalisierten Raum der Dauerchancen und Oberflächenreize? Steckt das dahinter? Oder geht es am Ende um ein falsches Verständnis von Freiheit?
Der moderne Mensch sagt sich: „Je mehr Auswahl ich habe, je mehr Möglichkeiten, desto freier bin ich.“ Das ist irgendwie logisch, wenn man Freiheit als Summe seiner Optionen betrachtet. Dann muss man immer schauen, dass man möglichst viele Optionen offenlässt, dass man sich nicht festlegt, sonst verliert man ja seine Freiheit. Das führt aber in die Irre.
Im Wesentlichen ist Freiheit nämlich kein äußerer Vorgang des Auswählens von Optionen, sondern ein innerer Zustand. Frei ist nicht, wer viel Auswahl hat, sondern frei wird, wer die richtigen Entscheidungen getroffen hat. Entscheidungen, die ihn auch frei von sich selbst machen.
Wer es in Beziehungen wagt, einen Menschen ganz zu lieben und sich darin selber zu übersteigen, herauszukommen aus der Enge des bloß Eigenen, der kann frei sein und Glück erfahren.
Weder übersteigerte Selbstliebe (Narzismus, Egotrip, Egoismus..) noch übersteigerte Nächstenliebe (unconditional love) soll es sein. Obwohl der Kern der Liebe im Dienen liegt, kann konditionslose Liebe für den konditionslos Geliebten eine Einladung zur Ausnutzung darstellen. Insofern sind Konditionen in der Praxis/Realität hilfreich.

Voraussetzung ist ersteinmal dass es sich nicht um körperliche Liebe handelt, denn diese ist keine Liebe, sondern eine Spiegelung / Illusion. Wenn das Fleischliche entfällt wird es immer unwahrscheinlicher dass sich die Liebe eines Menschen voll und ganz auf einen einzigen Mitmenschen fokussiert.



12.03.23  3 Möglichkeiten

Mit den cbdc's kommt auch die Entmündigung.

Auch wenn die Entwicklung scheibchenweise erfolgt, das Volk als Souverän ist dann Geschichte. Der auf Schritt und Tritt kontrollierte Sklave tritt an dessen Stelle.







18.03.23 Seymour Hersh

69|2   41




Die Rechten das sind die Wahrheits- und Freiheitsliebenden und die wissen dass Freiheit einen Preis hat, und die Linken das sind die Systemverliebten und die Verliebten in den falschen Freiheiten für die sie bereit sind die Entmenschlichung des Individuums schlechthin zu betreiben.


Ohne System kommt der Mensch nicht aus, aber auch das System hat bestimmte Naturgesetze und universelle Grundregeln und Grenzen zu beachten, denn wenn das System diese Grenzen überschreitet, und das ist trotz aller endlosen Warnungen geschehen, dann hat der Mensch, die Gesellschaft, die Nation, und im heutigen Extremfall die Menscheit, ein gewaltiges Problem. Das System ist jedoch nichts anderes als das Produkt der Gesellschaft. Wenn die Gesellschaft damit einverstanden ist ein Geldsystem zu operieren welches auf Grund seines zutiefst manipulatorischen Wesens Arme ärmer und Reiche immer reicher macht trägt die Gesellschaft auch die Verantwortung für die Konsequenzen. D.h. wenn das System aus den Geleisen gerät, dann deshalb weil die Gesellschaft Anker und Kompass verloren hat.





7|,11 MB (7. 46|2. |431 byte)

7|,11 MB (7. 46|2. 91|2 byte)




2,2|5 MB (2.370.541 byte)

2,2|6 MB (2.371.584 byte)


2,|43 MB (2.550.654 byte)

2,|43 MB (2.551.808 byte)


2,|37 MB (2.487.459 byte)

2,|37 MB (2.490.368 byte)


2,|43 MB (2.558.109 byte)

2,|44 MB (2.560.000 byte)


2,|37 MB (2.486.655 byte)

2,|37 MB (2.490.368 byte)


2,|41 MB (2.534.800 byte)

2,|41 MB (2.535.424 byte)


2,2|9 MB (2.403.445 byte)

2,2|9 MB (2.404.352 byte)




Let me clear this once again in order to avoid misunderstandings:

There is no problem with homosexual couples and with sex change after 18 years old, but you will not make a religion out of lgbtq nor put it on top of the list because on top of the list is 9.

The other way means to put the universe upside down, and that has dire consequences, globally, as you can already experience in front of your eyes.




The rest of the story is here









und..   und..   und..






Classical influencers are the children's false gods.




Diversity pronounces are expression of a militant egotrip




It's just another communist. *




You a government funded media reader




26.04.23  Ahrntal

37   3

Die Sleepwalker-Menschheit und ihre falschen Götter

haben die Wahl über das Wie,

aber es führt kein Weg daran vorbei




Wie läuft das im Sozialismus- Korporatismus. 
Ganz einfach: Hier hast du ein Stück Brot, hier ein Glas Wasser, das reicht zum leben, also mecker nicht.
Den Zahnarzt kriegst du auch geschenkt, der wird dir zugewiesen - vorausgesetzt dein Sozialkredit-Score passt. Was er leistet wenn Reputation nicht mehr zählt, stattdessen Gesinnung, steht auf einem anderen Blatt Papier, vorallem dann, wenn du ihn falsch anschaust, oder ihm generell gerade nicht sympathisch bist, kann das ganz schön ungemütlich werden.

Dann macht mal.

03.05.23 Corporatism/Fascism

These are those who today push Gender-  Climate, ESG, and all these ideologies in order to bring forward their own agenda..




This world is a chaotic and not seldom bad place.

Let us follow HIM  and pray to the Holy Spirit, to make it better. Because they make HUMANS.






68   38

Lavisana & Trakker

3,10 MB (3.|2|5 9.718 byte)

3,10 MB (3.|2|6 0.416 byte)


86  38

3,06 MB (3.|2|16. 787 byte)

3,07 MB (3.|2|19. 456 byte)


Trakker 22|1

2,69 MB (2.828.993 byte)

2,69 MB (2.830.336 byte)


M ° 468 

while still working on this present section:


4,04 MB (4.2|36. 72|4 byte)

4,04 MB (4.2|39. 360 |byte)



2,67 MB (2.803.509 byte)

2,67 MB (2.805.760 byte)



2,95 MB (3.103.767 byte)

2,96 MB (3.104.768 byte)



4,66 MB (4.895.343 byte)

4,67 MB (4.898.816 byte)



4,39 MB (4.605.853 byte)

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2|,37 MB (2.487.87|2 byte)

2|,37 MB (2.4|90.368 byte)




2|,76 MB (2.89 9.9 27 byte)

2|,76 MB (2.89 9.9 68 byte)


2,38 MB (2.505.829 byte)

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3,7|7 MB (3.|962. 167 byte)

3,7|8 MB (3.|964. 928 byte)


4,3|5 MB (4.|56 3.333 byte)

4,|35 MB (4.|56 7.040 byte)


2,|8|2 MB (2|.96 3.106 byte)

2,|8|2 MB (2|.96 5.504 byte)



2,|98 MB (3|.133.644 byte)

2,|99 MB (3|.137.536 byte)



2,4|6 MB (2.5|88. 750 |byte)

2,4|7 MB (2.5|92. 76|8 byte)



3,07 MB (3.|22|6.423 byte)

3,07 MB (3.|22|7.648 byte)



3,09 MB (3.245.420 byte)

3,09 MB (3.248.128 byte)



3,29 MB (3.457.415 byte)

3,30 MB (3.461.120 byte)



3,31 MB (3.475.761 byte)

3,31 MB (3.477.504 byte)



3,07 MB (3.229.594 byte)

3,08 MB (3.231.744 byte)



3,86 MB (4.049.967 byte)

3,86 MB (4.050.944 byte)



2,|69 MB (2|.830.703 |byte)

2,|70 MB (2|.834.43|2 byte)


3,17 MB (3.329.135 byte)

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3,65 MB (3.833.274 byte)

3,65 MB (3.833.856 byte)



3,56 MB (3.73|9. 049 byte)

3,56 MB (3.73|9. 648 byte)



3,14 MB (3.302.298 byte)

3,15 MB (3.305.472 byte)


88 5

3,64 MB (3.819. 8|24 |byte)

3,64 MB (3.8|2|1. 568 byte)



3,46 MB (3.631.544 byte)

3,46 MB (3.633.152 byte)


DX  569   RL

3,70 MB (3|.888.052 byte)

3,71 MB (3|.891.200 byte)


2,64 MB (2.|77|2.|54|2 byte)

2,64 MB (2.|77|2.|99|2 byte)



4,76 MB (4.998.516 byte)

4,76 MB (5.001.216 byte)



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473   7|13

4,59 MB (4.823.159 byte)

4,60 MB (4.825.088 byte)



3,40 MB (3.574.649 byte)

3,41 MB (3.575.808 byte)



3,61 MB (3.795.|023 |byte)

3,6|2 MB (3.796.99|2 byte)


3|65  36|5

4,05 MB (4.|2|51. 581 byte)

4,05 MB (4.|2|51. 648 byte)


9|88 =

refueling on spiritual level ..

3,|53 MB (3.71 1.078 |byte)

3,5|4 MB (3.71 5.07|2 byte)


61  74

.. by cleaning your soul from the

destructive effects of manipulation

3,19 MB (3.347.066 |byte)

3,19 MB (3.350.5|28 byte)


2,99 MB (3.139.828 byte)

2,99 MB (3.141.632 byte)


3|78 →  37|8

3|,54 MB (3.71 8.7|93 byte)

3,5|4 MB (3.7 19.|168 byte)


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2,|56 MB (2.|69|3.5|56 byte)

2,|57 MB (2.|695.|168 |byte)




2,|63 MB (2.|75 8.668 byte)

2,|63 MB (2.|76 0.704 byte)

at Herbert coffee crossroad


27   2|5|2

3,7|2 MB (3.90 4.8 75 byte)

3,7|2 MB (3.90 7.5 84 byte)


3,4|7 MB (3.645.034 byte)

3,4|7 MB (3.645.440 byte)



3,80 MB (3.991.029 byte)

3,80 MB (3.993.600 byte)



3,22 MB (3.378.021 byte)

3,22 MB (3.379.200 byte)



3,41 MB (3.585.546 byte)

3,42 MB (3.588.096 byte)


DX  7|96

4,90 MB (5.140.188 byte)

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3,85 MB (4.03  7.707 byte)

3,85 MB (4.03 8.6 56 byte)


31 H

3,36 MB (3.523.799 byte)

3,36 MB (3.526.656 byte)


CA 648 ER


3,28 MB (3.443.4 57 |byte)

3,28 MB (3.444. 73|6 byte)


scroll over

2|,37 MB (2|.491.321 byte)

2|,37 MB (2|.494.464 byte)


scroll over

Someone in line with the Sun so far

3,23 MB (3.393.055 byte)

3,23 MB (3.395.584 byte)


3,20 MB (3.357.854 byte)

3,20 MB (3.358.720 byte)








Das "Klima retten" und den Menschen zerstören.   01.05.23 Update mit Kolja


Ich sage euch, Ideologen sind die lebendig gewordene Inkompetenz. Die gesunde Wirtschaft wird von den Klimaideologen zerstört zugusten einer künstlich geschaffenen Klima-Planwirtschaft. Idealer Nährboden für sozialistische Vetternwirtschaft. Der Effekt auf den CO2-Ausstoss wird gering sein, noch viel geringer der Einfluss aufs Klima falls ein solcher überhaupt nennenswert existiert.

Der Mensch kann sich vom überaus nützlichen und lebensfördernden CO2 nicht erwehren, denn überall dort wo Leben existiert und gearbeitet bzw produziert wird, fällt auch CO2 an. Und je mehr Menschen umso ertragreichere Landwirtschaft und üppigere Vegetation ist von Nöten, wozu -siehe da und Dank sei Gott im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes- CO2 in maßgeblicher Weise beiträgt.

Die "Netto-null" existiert nicht, nichteinmal annähernd. Dafür werden die Schäden dieser staatlich gelenkten Ideologie-Wirtschaft ganze Generationen hart treffen. Global.

Will die Menschheit tatsächlich bezüglich CO2-Ausstoss einen zumindest messbaren Effekt erzielen muss logischerweise zuerst China geradestehen. Und genau das passiert nicht, sondern im Gegenteil. Der zweitgrößten und sehr bald wohl größten Wirtschaftsmacht der Welt will man das nicht zutrauen was man sonst selbst kleinen Ökonomien auferlegt oder auferlegen will. Was da wohl dahintersteckt. Die Grünsozis und korrupten westlichen Eliten sowie er Rest der ihnen hörigen Bagage vergöttern heute Peking und nicht mehr Washington, und Washington genauso und nicht mehr Europa.


Will man hingegen CO2 entscheidend eindämmen muss die Menschheit ihren Bestand halbieren sowie Wirtschaft, Produktion und Technologie auf vorindustrielles Niveau zurückkatapultieren. Fest steht: Nicht nur der Mensch, auch Landwirtschaft und Vegetation werden leiden. Ob das Klima überhaupt und tatsächlich maßgeblich vom 'menschlichen' CO2 abhängt bleibt hingegen fraglich, und wenn ja, ob dann dieselben Ideologen nicht aufgrund von möglicher globaler Abkühlung einmal mehr vor der kommenden Eiszeit warnen, denn Ideologen können gar nicht anders und Medien leben von Sensation und Hype. So oder so, jetzt wo Deutschland die ineffiziente Wärmepumpe (was nützt es wenn sie nach 20 Jahren amortisiert ist (wer glaubts  - augenöffnendes update) aber man die Wohnung nicht mehr richtig warm kriegt) samt Verarmung verschrieben bekommt sollten die Bürger doch um jedes halbe Grad mehr an natürlicher Wärme beten, oder? Trockenphasen lassen sich managen. Wasser lässt sich speichern (siehe Israels ehemalige Wüstenlandschaft) . Wasserspeicher bauen statt Krieg führen.


Absenkung in Deutschland bzw im Westen durch Verlagerung der Produktion nach China, also Verlagerung. Erdenklima gibt es aber nur eines.


Ich sage euch, eine Menschheit oder Nationen die das Klima festnageln wollen und ähnliche illusorische Allyren im Bezug auf das von Natur aus unperfekte Erdendasein hegen, werden sich sowohl mittellos wie auch rechtlos an den Ketten der sozialistischen 'Bauernfänger' (Wir alles wissen dass es nicht der Bauer ist der sich freiwillig fangen lässt) wiederfinden, und zwar ohne "das Klima" zu "retten".  | Update 06.05.23 Apropos: Sozialistische 'Bauernfänger' im Schulterschluss mit deren megakapitalistischen Finanzierer.


update 10.05.23 [..] "the Biden package --inflation reduction act including 370 billion dollars to fight global warming--, according to Lomborg of Sweden, using models he calculated the impact on temperature would be between now and 2050, it pushes expected temperatures down 0,009 degrees farenheit. -- this has no impact on anything". [..]



Can you hear the chirping of the Holy Spirit * in the darkness *




2,|90 MB (3.04|4.9|87 byte)

2,|90 MB (3.04|7.4|24 byte)



2,80 MB (2.947.066 byte)

2,81 MB (2.949.120 byte)



3,10 MB (3.259.862 byte)

3,10 MB (3.260.416 byte)



3,35 MB (3.513.572 byte)

3,35 MB (3.514.368 byte)


3,82 MB (4.016.032 byte)

3,83 MB (4.018.176 byte)



3,99 MB (4.184.331 byte)

3,99 MB (4.186.112 byte)


34  VV

4,12 MB (4.324.495 byte)

4,12 MB (4.325.376 byte)



3,85 MB (4.041.830 byte)

3,85 MB (4.042.752 byte)



3,|37 MB (3.5|4 1.44|7 byte)

3,|37 MB (3.5|4 3.040 |byte)


3,4|2 MB (3.5 87.2|88 byte)

3,4|2 MB (3.5 88.096 |byte)



3,|67 MB (3.851.197 byte)

3,|67 MB (3.854.336 byte)



3,40 MB (3.5|70.937 byte)

3,40 MB (3.|571.712 byte)


74|2   99|4  689

3,13 MB (3.292.116 byte)

3,14 MB (3.293.184 byte)



4,11 MB (4.317.546 byte)

4,12 MB (4.321.280 byte)


2,|8|2 MB (2.|960.2|48 byte)

2,|8|2 MB (2.|961.|408 byte)


2,68 MB (2.|81 1.503 |byte)

2,68 MB (2.|813. 95|2 byte)


XA 137

2,|57 MB (2.701.7 27 byte)

2,|57 MB (2.|703.360 byte)



3,5|2 MB (3|.694.097 |byte)

3,5|2 MB (3|.694.59|2 byte)



3,39 MB (3.557.273 byte)

3,39 MB (3.559.424 byte)



3,00 MB (3.146.257 byte)

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2,70 MB (2.839.665 byte)

2,71 MB (2.842.624 byte)



2,77 MB (2.914.193 byte)

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2|,79 MB (2.929.914 byte)

2|,79 MB (2.932.736 byte)



2|,89 MB (3.034.033 byte)

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3,4|2 MB (3.593.152 byte)

3,4|2 MB (3.596.288 byte)



3,27 MB (3.431.314 byte)

3,27 MB (3.432.448 byte)


73   4|76

3,16 MB (3.320.010 byte)

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2,72 MB (2.859.093 byte)

2,73 MB (2.863.104 byte)


2|,65 MB (2|.78|5.|010 byte)

2|,65 MB (2|.78|5.|280 byte)


2|,69 MB (2.8|21.576 byte)

2|,69 MB (2.8|22.144 byte)



3|,36 MB (3|.53|2.657 byte)

3|,36 MB (3|.53|4.848 byte)


2|,3|2 MB (2|.439. 431 byte)

2|,3|2 MB (2|.441. 216 byte)



4,33 MB (4.5 49.514 byte)

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2,33 MB (2.449.408 byte)


2,43 MB (2.551.248 byte)

2,43 MB (2.551.808 byte)


2,17 MB (2.279.257 byte)

2,17 MB (2.281.472 byte)


2,2|3 MB (2.|340.2|15 byte)

2,2|3 MB (2.|34|2.912 byte)


2,1|7 MB (2.2|85.|750 byte)

2,|18 MB (2.2|89.66|4 byte)



2,20 MB (2|.307.590 byte)

2,20 MB (2|.310.144 byte)






The leftists want to actively destroy not only the social framework (resp. update 04.05.23 ), the economy, the constitution, the freedom, free speech, the Nation and the Truth, they also want to actively destroy the sport making a mockery out of it, because they hate sport, sporty persons, sporty attitude with its precious idea of competition in fairness. There exists no other explanation for what they are doing.

So, just go left and enjoy the chaos, i/e the wrong order.




2|,35 MB (2|.47 1.303 byte)

2|,35 MB (2|.473. 984 byte)


1,63 MB (1.716.586 byte)

1,64 MB (1.720.320 byte)


1,21 MB (1.271.024 byte)

1,21 MB (1.273.856 byte)














DeXter [9]


Who we are

Principles of balance

Warning & chance!



When is religion religion

The Church

The angels language


Healing & health

Jesus blood &covenant




Sense of life

The non-created One





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